Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices

Panama (Panama City)

Official title

Indice de precios al consumidor (Consumer Price Index).


The index is compiled monthly and relates to all private households of different income levels in Panama City.

Official base

1987 = 100.

Source of weights

The weights and selected items were derived from a household expenditure survey conducted in 1983-84 in Panama City among a sample of 1,070 families of different income levels.

The families were selected on the basis of a stratified random sample, consisting of a housing list reported in the population census of 1980, supplemented with a list of buildings constructed since the census; in other words, housing constituted the unit of selection and the family the unit of observation. The survey used the method of directly interviewing families. The data were gathered by means of a monthly form that examined in detail the expenditure and income of families and a daily diary that was used to obtain the daily expenditure and incomes during one week.

The weights were not adjusted to take into account price changes between the survey period and 1987.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of items Weights Approximate number of price quotations
Food 10134.981
Clothing and footwear 385.134
Rent, fuel and light (1) 412.65
Furniture, furnishings, household equipment and maintenance 378.443
Personal and medical care 113.521
Transport and communications 1015.124
Education and recreation 2011.741
Other goods and services 238.726
Total 244100.0275

Note: (1) Excluding 109 dwellings throughout Panama City, for which rent quotations are obtained.

Household consumption expenditure

This refers to net expenditure, excluding sales of second-hand goods by families and the equivalent market value of these used goods; and trading-in as partial payment for the purchase of new goods.

It excludes contributions to social insurance and pension funds, insurance associated with specific consumer goods, income tax and other direct taxes. In computing the weights of the index, account is taken of life insurance payments, remittances, gifts and similar disbursements.

Method of data collection

Prices are regularly collected by means of direct visits to selected establishments carried out by staff using forms specifically designed for this purpose. The staff receive special training to carry out this work with precision and in the time required.

Prices are collected each month, except those of rents, maintenance, hairdressers, manicurists, air tickets and insurance companies which are gathered each quarter; those of domestic service and education are collected once a year.

The prices of goods and services, except those at the market, are collected in the first three weeks of each month; market prices are obtained on the Tuesday and Thursday of the second week of the month.

Selling-off prices are not taken into consideration when calculating the index. Sale prices are only included if the items are on sale for several weeks and if they are in good condition and part of the regular stock.


Rent quotations are obtained each quarter from 109 dwellings. Owner-occupied dwellings are not taken into account.

Specification of varieties

Once the items and services have been selected, a decision is taken on the specification which is defined as the detailed description of the characteristics of a good or service; these are decisive factors in establishing prices and include for example: quality, size, type of manufacture, model, style, etc. The specifications include indications usually sought by the purchasers and supplied by the sales persons. The aim of identifying the items is to guarantee that the index only shows price changes.

In order to facilitate the collection of prices on the basis of established criteria, there is a manual on the items in question and the specifications required for the work. Of course, it should be taken into account that not all items included in the index need to be so precisely defined.

Substitution, quality change, etc.

If changes occur in the specification of an item, substitutions are made in one of two ways:

(a) Direct comparison of prices: The substitute item is more or less of the same quality as the article eliminated, but a different brand. The prices of the two brands are directly compared and, if there is any change in price, this is reflected in the index.

(b) Relative linking: The new item may have the same utility or objective but differ in quality even though the price remains the same. These changes do not occur suddenly, but there is a period when the two items are on the market. Both items are valued at the same time and, when the price of the new item is available for two consecutive periods, the substitute item is linked to the index in such a way that the difference in prices between the two items is not reflected in the index. The price of the substitute item is compared with its price in the previous period, and the relative of this item is applied to the weighted price of the item that has been eliminated.

Seasonal items

In periods when it is impossible to obtain prices for a seasonal item, the relative of the prices corresponding to items in the same sub-group available throughout the year is taken; this is obtained by dividing the total of the weighted prices in the quarter under consideration by the total of the weighted prices in the previous period. The price of the seasonal item is calculated by multiplying the price for the previous period by the relative of the prices estimated for the period under consideration.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to 1983-84.

The price relative of each item is calculated by dividing the average price for the current period by the average price for the previous period.

Other information

Detailed sub-groups are published for the present series.

Organisation and publication

Dirección de Estadística y Censos: Estadística Panameña (Panama; March, June, September and December).