Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices

French Polynesia

Official title

Indice des prix de détail à la consommation familiale (Retail Price Index).


The index is computed monthly and covers households of all categories.

Official base

December 1980 = 100.

Source of weights

The weights and selected items were derived from the results of a nation-wide household expenditure survey supplemented by import statistics. The survey was conducted over three and a half months during the second half of 1979 among a sample of 836 households of all categories.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of items Weights Approximate number of price quotations
Food 7936504107
Manufactured items:
Clothing, footwear and household linen 28900362
Furniture, furnishings and household equipment 25922508
Cleaning materials 13522785
Vehicles 691687
Recreation and reading items 18699375
Fuel and light 58626
Tobacco and other 627960
Rent, water 244525
Maintenance and repairs 414834
Personal and medical care 510132
Transport and communication 1139046
Education, recreation, other 14166130
Total 216100006557

Household consumption expenditure

Account was taken of goods produced by households. Second-hand and credit purchases and social security contributions were excluded, but insurance premiums for cars and motor cycles were included.

Method of data collection

Prices for most items are collected each month by investigators or by means of telephone inquiries, from 326 retail outlets and service establishments. Prices for food items and those for manufactured products of important consumption items are obtained from all 13 localities of the islands of Tahiti and Moorea. Prices for other items and services are collected in the urban areas of Tahiti (Papeete, Faaa, Pirae and Arne). Prices include indirect taxes.


Rent quotations are obtained four times a year for 22 dwellings.

Specification of varieties

A list of 2,160 specifications is used for price collection, giving details of the type, brand, weights, quality and country of origin for each item.

Substitution, quality change, etc.

If an item disappears from the market, it is substituted by a similar item and a linking method is used. No account is taken of minor quality change. If the quality change is significant, a linking method is used.

Seasonal items

Prices for fresh fruit, vegetables and fish are ascertained each week from markets in Papeete and Pirae and each month from the other retail outlets. A 12-month moving average is used to compute the final index.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to the base period.

Other information

A new series is now computed (base December 1988 = 100), but the relevant methodological information was not available in the ILO at the time the present volume was published.

Organisation and publication

Institut territorial de la statistique: Te Avei'a (Papeete).

Idem: Journal officiel de la Polynésie Française.