Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices


Official title

Consumer Price Index.


The index is computed monthly and covers 90% of households in Slovakia.

Official base

December 1995 = 100.

Sources of weights

Weights are derived from the household budget survey. Since 1993 the household budget survey is conducted monthly and covers the whole territory of the Slovak Republic.

Approximately 2,000 households, selected according to the intentional quota sample design, are surveyed on monthly base. The sample covers 6 households group (households of employees, pensioners, employees with one, two and three children and households with low incomes) and 7 population groups (workers, freelancers, employees, farmers, non-working pensioners, working pensioners and other persons).

The new weights were derived from the 1995 household budget survey and adjusted for the results of the 1995 national accounts data. The re-basing and re-weighting of the index is expected to take place in the year 2000, and then every 5 years.

Weights and composition

Major groupsNumber of itemsWeightsApprox.No. of price quotation
Food, and non-alcoholic beverages140291.78...
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco1244.44...
Clothing and footwear125110.44...
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels46165.12...
Furnishings and household equipment9259.36...
Recreation and culture7784.66...
Hotels, cafés and restaurants4949.53...
Miscellaneous goods and services8668.52...
Classification scheme is adapted to the SNA 1993.

Household consumption expenditure

Not available.

Sample selection

All items whose weights were higher than 1 permil from the total weight volume were selected as representatives for pricing.

Method of data collection

Price collectors from the statistical office register prices from selected retail and service outlets in 38 areas covering the Slovak Republic's territory. The prices are observed in approximately 8,500 state, co-operative and private shops during the first 20 days of each month. The number of price quotations to be registered for all items in the index are determined according to the city size, i.e. in a city with up to 20,000 inhabitants 3 reporting units are surveyed for each representative item, in a city with 20,000 and more inhabitants 5 reporting units and in Bratislava City 5-7 reporting units.

Prices of second hand goods are not included in the index. Discounts and free market prices for items which also have official prices are included in the index.


The rent index covers four types of rents: net rent for state-owned apartment of I, II and III category as well as co-operative dwelling of I category. Owner occupied housing is also included under the rent index as imputed rental.

Specification of varieties

The goods and services to be priced are specified in detail, describing variety, quality, make, brand, unit, etc.

Substitution, quality changes

When a given variety disappears from the market, the price collector is obliged to find such commodity (service), which from point view of consumer is approaching at most to the original commodity (service). If a quality change is identified, the price collector is required to elaborate detailed comment or send leaflet where all the specifications of the new item are described. This comment is then being judged by staff of the Consumer Price Division at headquarters when data are processed. Recently, however, as statistical experts are not capable to estimate explicitly the value of quality change one of the following two methods is applied:

Seasonal items

Last observed price is carried forward until new product appears.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula, as a weighted arithmetic average with a fixed base. Average prices are calculated as simple arithmetic mean of all prices collected.

Other information

CPIs for households of employees, pensioners, employees with one, two or three children and for households with low incomes are also computed and published monthly.

Organisation and publication

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Consumer Price Indices in the Slovak Republic - monthly

Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic - annually

Monitor of the Economy of the Slovak Republic

Bulletin of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Methodological descriptions are reported in the monthly publication Consumer Price Indices in the Slovak Republic.

On Internet web site: http://www.statistics.sk