Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices

Trinidad and Tobago

Official title

Index of Retail Prices.


The index is compiled monthly and covers households, with monthly income between 400 and 4600 dollars in 1988.

Official base

September 1993 = 100.

Source of weights

The weights were obtained from the Household Budget Survey carried out in 1988 and covering a sample of 2,4393 households, including 1,369 households with a monthly income of between 400 and 4600 dollars in 1988. The weights were not adjusted to take into account price changes between the survey period and the base period. Items with weights equal to or greater than 1 per 1000 were selected for inclusion in the index.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of items Weights Approximate number of price quotations
Food 94351...
Meals taken outside home 415...
Alcoholic drinks and tobacco 647...
Clothing and Footwear 526...
Housing 5126...
Household operations 1112...
Household Supplies and Services 4484...
Healts and Personal Care 514...
Transportation 45189...
Recreation, reading and Education 1386...
Total 625...
Major groups 825...
Major groups 2461000(a) ...

Note: (a) Genaraly, three price quotations are collected for each item.

Household consumption expenditure

Consumption expenditure for the purpose of the index comprises all expenditure on goods and services for consumption, including insurance and mortgage interest rates relating to housing. Income in kind is included as income if received on a regular basis. Gifts and licence fees are also included. Excluded from the index are income taxes and other direct taxes, contributions to social insurance and pension funds, insurance associated with specific consumer goods, health care and life insurance payments.

Method of data collection

Prices of commodities and services are obtained from 429 selected outlets. Localities were selected on the basis of information provided by the households included in the HBS and field staff's knowledge. Collection of price data is the responsibility of the Chief, Census and Surveys Officer who has ten field officers visiting selected outlets periodically and collecting the required data. Prices of vegetables, fruit and meat are collected twice a month. Prices are collected each month for other food, drink and tobacco, clothing, health and pertsonal care and each quarter for house repairs and maintenance, meals out, rent, household supplies and services transportation. Prices for fuel and light, now renamed Household Operation, are collected quarterly. Price data on education are collected twice a year. Price collection starts on the second Wednesday of the month and continues for one week.

The prices used in the index are those that any member of the public would have to pay on the pricing day to purchase the specified good or service.

Sale prices are excluded unless they account for a large proportion of sales during the reference period. Black-market prices are taken into account if quoted by the retailer. Discount, hire-purchase or credit terms, and second-hand purchases are not included.


Rent data are collected each quarter from selected dwellings varying from one to three bedrooms. The total current rent data for a particular pricing area is expressed as a relative of the total base rent data of the respective area. The area relatives are combined into a final relative using the area weights. An imputed net rent for owner-occupied housing was obtained from the HBS. Owner-occupied housing cost inclides mortgage interest payments, insurance, water and sewage rates, taxes, repairs and maintenance. These expenses were treated as indicators items for monitoring movements in imputed rents of owner-occupiers.

Specification of varieties

There are detailed specifications of the brand, quality, unit etc., for the varieties selected for pricing.

Substitution, quality change, etc.

Whenever the characteristics of the products are altered, adjustments are made on base year prices. Obsolete items and items disappearing from the market are replaced by suitable new substitutes.

Seasonal items

Seasonal fresh food items are omitted from the index during their off-season and their weights are distributed among the remaining items in the same group.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to the base period.

Average prices of items for each area are first calculated as simple arithmetic averages of the price quotations. Separate price relatives of items for each area are then calculated by dividing the average price of the current period by the average price of the previous period. These price relatives are weighted together to arrive at national price relatives using area weights that are based on the population and retail sales data of the areas concerned. The method of linking is the simple aritmetical method.

Organisation and publication

Central Statistical Office: The Index of Retail Prices 1993 - Statistical Studies and Papers, No.II.

Government Printing: Gazette of Trinidad and Tobago (Port of Spain), Economic Indicators Report, Statistical Digest of the Central Statistical Office.