Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices


Official title

Consumer Price Index.


The index is computed monthly and relates to the urban population in Ukraine.

Official base

December of previous year = 100. The index is rebased annually.

Sources of weights

Weights are derived from the family expenditure survey conducted annually. The survey covers 0.1% of the urban population and all regions of the country. The households are selected with multi-stage probability sampling.

As the base period of the index differs from the reference period of the weights, the survey data (annual averages) are adjusted by price changes in December over annual average.

Weights and composition

Major groupsNumber of itemsWeightsApprox. No. of price quotation
Food, alcoholic beverages10850.2...
Commodities are classified according to both the national classification system and COICOP classification system used in SNA.

Household consumption expenditure

Consumption expenditures for the purpose of the index comprises all goods and services purchased for consumption by the index population.

Sample selection

The survey covers all regions in the country. Outlet selection is based on data obtained from family budget surveys and trade statistics.

Method of data collection

Each month, prices for 425 goods and services are collected from about 28,000 outlets in all regions. Prices are recorded between Tuesday and Thursday, from the 1st through the 25th day of each month. Black market prices, hire purchase and second-hand prices are not taken into account in data collection.

All goods are priced in 9-10 outlets in regional centres and cities and 5-6 outlets in district centres and towns; services are priced in 7-8 outlets in regional centres and 4-5 outlets in district centres and towns.


Rent component of the rent, water, fuel and power group index covers rents for state owned houses and dwellings in cooperative ownership. Data collection is carried out monthly.

Specification of varieties

The specifications of the items to be priced are broad. The price collectors select the most representative brand of the specified item in each of the outlets visited and write down detailed description of the make, brand, volume, size.

Substitution, quality changes

If a variety of a given type or quality disappears from the market it is replaced with a comparable variety. If there is no variety of similar quality, that type is excluded from further observation. When a new product appears on the market, it is included in the data observation.

Seasonal items

Relative price of a seasonally unavailable item is imputed taking into account price movements of the other items included in the same sub-group.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formulae. Ratio of average monthly prices is used to compute item indices. Population and consumption weights are used to aggregate regional indexes into national index. Annual averages are computed as geometric mean of monthly data.

Other information


Organisation and publication

State Statistics Committee of Ukraine (Goskomstat)

Monthly bulletin Social and Economic Position of Ukraine,

Digest Average Price and their Indices for consumption Goods (Services),

Average Prices and Tariffs for Consumption Goods (Services),

Statistical Yearbook,

Methodological manual Consumer Price Index of Ukraine