Volume 1: Consumer Price Indices

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Saint Vincent)

Official title

Index of Retail Prices.


The index is computed monthly and relates to the whole population in Saint Vincent.

Official base

January 1981 = 100.

Source of weights

The weights and selected items were derived from a household expenditure survey conducted during six months beginning in November 1975 in the urban area and the rural areas of Saint Vincent. The survey covered 164 households of all income groups. The average household size was 5.84 persons.

Weights and composition

Major groups Number of items Weights Approximate number of price quotations
Food 88597.9...
Other groups: 130402.1...
Clothing and footwear .........
Housing, fuel and light .........
Furniture and household supplies .........
Medical care .........
Transport and communication .........
Education and recreation .........
Miscellaneous .........
Total 2181000.0...

Household consumption expenditure

Not available.

Method of data collection

Prices are collected by agents from market areas, retail outlets, supermarkets and service establishments on the second Tuesday of each month.


Included under rent are a three-bedroom unfurnished house in the capital city and a three-bedroom unfurnished house in the rural area. Owner-occupied housing is not used in the index.

Specification of varieties

Not available.

Substitution, quality change, etc.

Not available.

Seasonal items

Not available.


The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to 1975-76.

Price relatives for the current and base periods are used to compute item indices.

Organisation and publication

Central Planning Division, Statistical Office: Annual Digest of Statistics (Kingstown).

Idem: Retail Price Bulletin.