Yemen (Aden)
Official title
Retail Price Index.
The index is computed annually and covers households in Aden.
Official base
1969 = 100.
Source of weights
The weights and selected items were derived from a household expenditure
survey on government employees. The weights were revised later to take
into account the changed expenditure pattern.
Weights and composition
Major groups
| Number of items
| Weights
| Approximate number of price quotations
| 48 | 508 | ...
Fuel, light and water
| 6 | 39 | ...
| 5 | 60 | ...
Clothing and footwear
| 24 | 90 | ...
Household supplies
| 13 | 40 | ...
Qat, tobacco and alcoholic drinks
| 3 | 100 | ...
Other expenses (health, personal care, transport, culture and recreation)
| 24 | 163 | ...
| 123 | 1000 | ...
Household consumption expenditure
Not available.
Method of data collection
Prices are collected regularly on Monday and Tuesday of the second
week of each month, in Aden.
Not available.
Specification of varieties
To ensure that prices are comparable over time, the quality and quantity
of items and services were defined carefully.
Substitution, quality change, etc.
Not available.
Seasonal items
Not available.
The index is computed according to the Laspeyres formula as a weighted
arithmetic average with fixed base, using weights corresponding to the
base period.
Organisation and publication
Central Statistical Organisation: Statistical Yearbook