Bolivia (1)

Title of the survey

Estadísticas de salarios medios del sector privado (registros administrativos) (Statistics of average wages in the private sector (Administrative records)).

Organization responsible

Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE).

Periodicity of the survey


Objectives of the survey

Short-term measurement of changes in average wages (nominal and real) in the private sector. In general terms, this serves as basic information for overall and sectoral planning in the area of wages. Specifically, it forms an objective basis for the analysis of the purchasing power of wages.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Earnings for a normal working day.

Reference period

One month (March, June, September and December).

Coverage of the survey


The cities of La Paz and El Alto only.


The following branches of activity are covered: mining and quarrying; manufacturing; construction; wholesale and retail trades, restaurants and hotels; banking and insurance; community, social and personal services. Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing are excluded. The branches of electricity, gas and water, transport and communications are not taken into account in assessing the general average, since in these branches the number of enterprises in the private sector is not representative.


Enterprises in the private sector with five or more workers, which are registered with and submit their payrolls of wages and salaries to the Ministerio de Trabajo.


Employees who appear on the payrolls. The following are excluded: own account workers, working proprietors, unpaid family workers and workers paid entirely in kind.


For the purpose of measuring average wages, all occupations are considered together. Detailed information on occupations is collected, however, with a view to other analyses.

Concepts and definitions


Within the total number of employees, the following categories are distinguished: Persons temporarily absent from work because of vacation, industrial dispute, sickness or accident are included, provided they appear on the payroll. The following are excluded: home workers, casual, temporary and seasonal workers, workers sub-contracted from other firms and workers absent from work without pay.


These refer to the normal cash earnings of permanent employees, and consist of the total monthly cash wage or salary (before deductions or reductions) received by the worker for a normal working day. They include wages and salaries, bonuses for production, seniority and category of work, commissions on sales etc., which are paid regularly. Earnings for time not worked such as for annual leave, vacation, public holidays or other time off with pay are also included. This component is called the total earned. The following are excluded: pay for overtime and night work, work on Sundays and holidays, family allowances (maternity subsidies and subsidies to nursing mothers) and other allowances, bonuses or gratuities paid regularly or irregularly. Payments in kind are also excluded. In the case of mining, wages are paid through the system of mita, or working days. This includes housing and the contract (basic pay), plus the bonuses in each case which make up the miner's total earned. Mitas for overtime and night work are also excluded, together with mitas for Sundays and holidays.

Wage/salary rates

See the previous definition and the section International recommendations.

Hours of work

Not relevant.

International recommendations

The concept of normal cash earnings or total earned applied in this survey corresponds to earnings in cash for a normal working day. It excludes premiums for overtime, allowances and gratuities, irregular payments and payment in kind. It represents a more restricted concept than that of earnings which appears in the international recommendations, and is closer to the concept of monthly wage rates paid in cash.



The International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968, at the one-digit level is used.


For the purpose of this survey, the data are not broken down by occupational groups (but see under Data supplied to the ILO for publication).


By size of enterprise (5-9 workers, 10-19, 20-49 and over 50).

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The unit of observation is the enterprise in the private sector. It is defined as an economic unit which submits a single payroll, identified by a code allocated by the national health insurance fund for employers' contributions.

Survey universe / sample frame

The register of enterprises of the Ministerio del Trabajo is used. This includes all the enterprises with five or more workers in the private sector (approximately 1,500 enterprises).

Sample design

Data are obtained from the administrative registers which cover all registered enterprises.

Field work

Data collection

Data are collected from the payrolls registered with the Ministerio del Trabajo.

Survey questionnaire

Not available.

Substitution of sampling units

Not relevant.

Data processing and editing

The basic information is transcribed onto a form specially designed for this purpose. The data are then stored in a database, and the data are corrected, examined and verified. Programmes are used to check internal consistency, totals and ranges of values (minimum and maximum). Finally, tables are constructed, in accordance with the tabulation plan.

Types of estimates

Monthly averages, four times a year. Within the employment totals, the number of part-time workers is adjusted in accordance with the portion of the normal working day. The statistics of wages are obtained as an arithmetical mean of the salaries (the total earned) in the enterprises. This average forms the average wage expressed in Bolivian currency (bolivianos) or nominal wages. The real average wage is obtained by dividing the nominal salary by the variation in the consumer price index (IPC) for the same period, with respect to the base year 1987.

Construction of indices

Not relevant.

Weighting of sample results

Not relevant.



None (these are administrative records).

Other bias


Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Seasonal variations

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

Not available.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not relevant.

Non-response rate

Not available.

Non-sampling errors

Not relevant.

Conformity with other sources

Not relevant.

Available series

Nominal and real average wages in the private sector are available by branch of economic activity, for each quarter.

History of the survey

The processing of information from records started in 1970, by the Ministerio de Tragajo. The INE began to make use of this information in 1983. The 1983-1987 series were established on the basis of a sample, the frame of which was the register of payrolls in the Ministerio de Trabajo. Transcription was carried out at the worker level, and the estimates of wages covered averages, distributions, deviations, etc. As from 1988 the system was changed in view of the low coverage of registered enterprises, as a result of which the records of the Ministerio de Trabajo were discontinued. At present, the collection of information is improving and it is intended to carry out a Survey of Earnings, with a more detailed breakdown of occupations, a sample design based on the second Economic Census and a greater number of variables.


Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE): Estadísticas del trabajo (annual; La Paz). Data were formerly published in the Boletín de estadísticas de remuneraciones.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

Not relevant.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

Data on average monthly wage rates of employees (corresponding to the average earnings for a normal working day) in non-agricultural activities and in specific industries are published in Tables 16, 17A, 18 and 19 of the Yearbook of Labour Statistics. These refer to September of each year. Data on average occupational wages are also obtained through these registers. Averages wage rates, monthly earnings and hours per week by occupation, in the Department of La Paz, are published in Statistics on occupational wages and hours of work and on food prices - October Inquiry results, a special supplement to the Bulletin of Labour Statistics.