Bolivia (2)

Title of the survey

Encuesta Económica Anual - Industria Manufacturera (Annual Economic Survey - Manufacturing)

Organization responsible

Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE).

Periodicity of the survey


Objectives of the survey

To ascertain the structure and functioning of industry, and to provide information for the National Accounts and the calculation of industrial indicators.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Information by groups of activity with reference to production, sales, purchase and consumption of raw materials, capacity installed, workers employed, wages and salaries by occupational category, consumption of energy and fuel, certain expenses, gross formation of capital, etc.

Reference period

The year, with reference to the management or accounting period.

Coverage of the survey


Capitals of departments, with the exception of Pando.


All groups of activity in manufacturing.


Establishments and enterprises of the private and State sectors with more than five workers employed.


All workers employed.


All occupations are taken into account together.

Concepts and definitions


Workers employed include all those persons working in or for the establishment. They include persons temporarily absent from work because of vacation, industrial dispute, sickness or accident or any kind of short-time break. Excluded are home workers, persons on indefinite leave or performing military service. Among the workers employed the following categories are identified separately:


Refer to the total of wages and salaries (before deductions or reductions) paid to workers during the reference year, by occupational category.

Wage/salary rates

Not relevant.

Hours of work

Not relevant.

International recommendations

The concept of wages and salaries corresponds to the guidelines laid down by the United Nations for the purpose of industrial statistics and employed in the production of the National Accounts.



The International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968, by activity group is used.


Three occupational groups are employed: managers and administrators, salaried employees and wage earners.


The data are classified according to the size of establishments. Two groups are distinguished: those with more than five but fewer than 15 workers, and those with 15 workers or more.

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The unit of observation is the establishment in manufacturing, classified according to ISIC on the basis of its principal activity.

Survey universe / sample frame

The directory of economic establishments (DNEE) is used, giving a frame which covers all establishments with more than five workers.

Sample design

A stratified sample design is used. Two strata are distinguished; one for establishments with 15 or more workers, all of which are included in the sample, and the other for establishments with more than five but fewer than 15 workers.

Field work

Data collection

Information is collected by means of the single economic form. The accounts of the establishment are required as support for the information supplied.

Survey questionnaire

Not available.

Substitution of sampling units

Not relevant.

Data processing and editing

When the forms have been collected, examination and coding begin. There follows the transcription of data, verification of information, processing and publishing of final tables.

Types of estimates

Annual totals.

Construction of indices

Not relevant.

Weighting of sample results

Not available.




Other bias


Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Seasonal variations

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

Not available (see also under History of the survey).

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not calculated.

Non-response rate

Not available.

Non-sampling errors

Not relevant.

Conformity with other sources

Not relevant.

Available series

Data are available on the number of workers employed per year and by industry group, on the total of wages and salaries paid, and other industrial statistics (output, sales, etc.).

History of the survey

The industrial surveys date from 1936, when they began on a six-monthly basis. Subsequently, with the compilation of the directory of industrial establishments, surveys began to be held yearly. From 1983 onwards, once the first national directory of economic establishments was set up, a frame was obtained which enabled more reliable industrial economic surveys. Sub-frames were identified within the universe of establishments: a list-frame covering establishments with five workers or over and an area-frame, covering establishments with fewer than five workers. The Annual Economic Survey investigates the list-frame. Until 1990, this frame was subdivided into two strata; one with establishments with 20 or more workers, all of which are included, and one with establishments with more than five but fewer than 20 workers from which a sample is drawn. Since the updating survey of the directory of economic establishments (1990), the stratum for exhaustive inclusion covers establishments with 15 or more workers. On the basis of the information in the second census of economic establishments (1992), there has been a reclassification of industry, based both on workers employed and on value added, with a view to improving the representativeness and reliability of the information.


Not available.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

Not available.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

The average number of persons employed in manufacturing was published in Tables 5A and 5B of the Yearbook of Labour Statistics until the 1994 edition.