
Title of the survey

Relaçao Anual de Informaçoes Sociais (RAIS) (annual social information report)

Organization responsible

Ministerio do Trabalho e da Previdência Social (MTPS), Secretaria Nacional de Trabalho (SNT).

Periodicity of the survey


Objectives of the survey

To identify employees on the payroll who have a recognized entitlement to a wage or salary; to assist in checking the contributions to the security fund for years of service (FGTS); to provide information on the formal labour market; to make available information of use for technical studies in the social area; to assist in the compilation of statistics and in related investigations; to act as an instrument for taxation and for checking that persons subject to legal norms and requirements comply with them.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Employment, earnings and contractual wages and salaries, and fluctuations in employment.

Reference period

For employment and contractual wages and salaries: 31 December of each year.

For earnings: every month of the year.

Coverage of the survey


The whole country.


All branches of economic activity.


Establishments of any type and of any size.


All employees.


Some 70 occupational groups were selected as the most common at the national level.

Concepts and definitions


An employment relationship (i.e. a job filled by an employee) is the relationship governed by the Consolidated Labour Laws (CLT). Such a relationship is established when a person needs paid employment and enters a subordinate relationship to an employer, who lays down the hours of work beforehand. The work relationship established between an unemployed person and the trade union which recruits him is also regarded as an employment relationship. Among employees, the following categories are distinguished:

In addition, the number of proprietors and unpaid family workers working during the reference year is ascertained, but such persons are not included in the statistics. Independent and temporary workers and members of courses regulated by MTPS Decree No. 1002 of 29 September 1967 are excluded.


These refer to gross remuneration, before deduction of taxes or social security contributions. They include the following components:

These components are not listed separately in the RAIS.

Data are also collected on contractual wages and salaries as at 31 December each year.

Wage/salary rates

Not relevant.

Hours of work

Data are collected on normal hours, i.e. on the hours worked per week, or the number of hours of work performed per month by the employee, not counting overtime. Normal hours are the hours laid down by laws, regulations or collective agreements. The unit of measurement is the month.

International recommendations

The concept of gross remuneration used in this survey is similar to that of total earnings actually paid, which appears in the international recommendations on wage statistics. The concept of normal hours matches the concept included in the international guidelines.



The Classifiçao Nacional de Actividades Económicas (CNAE) (national classification of economic activities) is used, at the level of the nine major one-digit divisions. The CNAE is linked to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 2, 1968.


70 of the most common occupational groups are used, together with 10 major occupational groups linked to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-68).


The data are classified by sex, nationality, level of education, region, duration of service (seniority), type of employment relationship, etc.

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The unit of observation is the establishment; this is deemed to be all units of an enterprise at separate locations. Thus, for example, if the various production lines of an enterprise are located in the same place, they are regarded as one establishment.

Survey universe / sample frame

The RAIS register covers all establishments and physical persons who, as employers, have maintained an employment relationship at any time during the year, independently of the organization of the enterprise, together with establishments which have not kept up employment relationships and trade unions which bring together unemployed workers. These establishments are required, by Decree No. 76.906 of 1975, to make an annual declaration to the RAIS at the beginning of the year following the employment relationship which is being surveyed. This makes a total of 2.5 million establishments and 38 million employment relationships, covering essentially 80 per cent of the total survey population.

The register is updated every year, using the data supplied.

Sample design

The administrative register is in practice a census of the labour market. It covers some 2.5 million establishments and 36 million persons employed under an employment relationship.

Field work

Data collection

The information is collected between January and April each year. The employers obtain the forms from stationers or use magnetic tape to transmit the data. On the back of the forms there are general instructions with all the information needed for filling them in properly.

Survey questionnaire

Not available.

Substitution of sampling units

Not relevant (the RAIS is an administrative register).

Data processing and editing

Processing of the data is the responsibility of the Federal data processing service (SEPRO), a public enterprise linked to the Ministerio de Economía, Hacienda y Planificación. The replies are obtained on the basis of the coded form or from magnetic tape, and the data received are processed by computer. When errors or omissions in the information are found, they are corrected by data from the registers of the social integration programme (PIS) and of the training programme for public servants (PASEP) or of the general register of contributors (CGC) and other special records.

Types of estimates

Totals of employment and monthly averages of wages and contractual wages and salaries. Contractual wages and salaries have always been dealt with in monthly equivalents. Payment for piece work and other types of wages are included in a not declared category. Earnings are always considered on a monthly basis, i.e. as if the workers had worked for the whole month, except for the months when they entered and left employment; for these the necessary correction is made. In calculating attendance, it is assumed that the employees work throughout each month, except for the months when they entered and left employment, in which case the proportion actually worked is taken into account. In all relevant calculations the months in which no monthly earnings were received are ignored.

Construction of indices

Index numbers of employment are constructed. The method is established for consecutive two-year periods as follows:

Weighting of sample results

Not relevant.



Information on employees is obtained through the records of PIS/PASEP.

Other bias

With respect to earnings, for analysing the consistency of data on wages and earnings, a double criterion of adjustment is used, up to a maximum limit of earnings, comparing these with the variables of occupation and level of education, the values adopted for these being the maxima between the two criteria employed. Contractual wages and salaries with zero declaration remain zero; the contractual wages and salaries of a non-valid class are regarded as monthly salaries.

Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Seasonal variations

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

The RAIS register covers essentially 80 per cent of the total survey population.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not relevant.

Non-response rate

Approximately ten per cent.

Non-sampling errors

Biases in the results can arise from:

Conformity with other sources

It is not possible to compare RAIS with other sources, since by its nature RAIS comprises a census of the labour market, which no other organization carries out in Brazil. The other sources mentioned are used in order to supplement information which is provided to the RAIS but which is ambiguous, or to provide information which is missing.

Available series

Data are presented in the RAIS Yearbook in four sections:

History of the survey

The Annual Social Information Report (RAIS) was set up by Decree No. 76.906 of 1975.

The estimates of the RAIS are subjected to a complete revision every year once the results of all the most recent tables are obtained, in order to bring the indices up to date and set up for the RAIS new nurseries of data on employment.


Ministério de Trabalho, Secretaria Geral Anuário RAIS (annual; Brasilia). This appears about two years after the reference year.

Data can also be supplied on magnetic tape and cassettes, and results which do not figure in the publications can be obtained on application to the Ministério de Trabalho.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

Data which permit the responding units or employees to be identified may not be published. This prohibition was laid down in the National Statistics Law and the Constitution.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

The following series are published in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics