Colombia (2)

Title of the survey

Encuesta Anual Manufacturera (Annual Survey of Manufacturing)

Organization responsible

Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE)

Periodicity of the survey


Objectives of the survey

To obtain basic information on manufacturing, to determine its structure, evolution and development. Specifically: to determine the composition of production and consumption of raw material, materials and packaging in the sector; to produce basic statistics for the calculation of economic aggregates and for the National Accounts; to obtain economic indicators; to ascertain the characteristics of the sample frame for surveys of manufacturing and for compiling and updating the industrial register of Colombia.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Persons employed; wages and salaries paid; social benefits paid; gross production; intermediate consumption; gross value added; general expenses and other industrial variables.

Reference period

The data on permanent employment refer to a fixed reference period: the fixed or permanently employed persons who appears in the payrolls for the week which includes 15 November of each year, or the date nearest to this for which data are available. The data on wages and salaries and social benefits refer to those paid during the whole year. Information on temporary workers refers to the average of persons under contract during the year, and to the total earnings (wages, salaries and benefits) paid to these workers.

Coverage of the survey


The whole country.




Establishments employing ten or more persons.


All persons employed.


Not relevant.

Concepts and definitions


Employed persons include wage earners and salaried employees, working proprietors, active partners and family workers without fixed remuneration as on the records of the establishment on the reference date. Included are employed persons who appear on the payroll but who are temporarily absent, such as workers on sick leave, paid vacations, or strike, and workers contracted through enterprises which specialize in providing workers. The following are excluded: workers on unpaid leave, military service, in retirement and members of the board of directors of the firm who are paid only for attendance of meetings, who give their services to the establishment irregularly and whose remuneration is in the form of a fee. Home workers are also excluded. Employed persons are classified into seven categories: A distinction is also made between:


Wages and salaries mean the fixed or ordinary remuneration paid to workers in cash or in kind, periodically or deferred, which represents payment for services rendered to the establishment in accordance with provisions of the Colombian labour regulations and the substantive labour code, before deductions of sums withheld at source, trade-union dues and contributions to cooperatives, contributions to legally authorized savings banks, contributions to the obligatory social security, contributions to employees' funds and associations and the like. Information is also collected separately regarding social benefits paid during the year under investigation, i.e. obligatory, special and agreed payments other than wages and salaries which the employer makes to the persons employed. These include: sums which the worker receives at irregular intervals from the employer, general and special benefits paid by the employer and non-statutory or agreed benefits, and para-state contributions. The following are excluded: retirement pensions paid to persons retired from the establishment; the value of fees paid during the year for economists, lawyers, accountants etc.; and the value of contracts with persons who carry out special industrial tasks for the establishment at home. Information is collected on wages and salaries and social benefits separately according to occupational category and type of relationship (permanent and temporary).

Wage/salary rates

Not relevant.

Hours of work

Not relevant.

International recommendations

The concepts of wages and salaries and social benefits correspond to the recommendations of the United Nations for industrial statistics and employed in the compilation of the National Accounts.



The International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev. 2, 1968 is used at the industry group level (three-digit level).


Not relevant.


The data are classified by occupational category and type of relationship. Results are also obtained at national level and according to sections of the country and metropolitan areas; and according to size of establishment, scale of value of production and legal status.

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The unit of observation is the industrial establishment with ten or more workers. It is defined as the combination of activities and resources which, as a single legal entity, forms a unit of ownership or administration for the production of the most homogeneous group possible of manufactured goods, at a single location, and which produces independent accounts, on materials, the labour force and other physical resources used in the process of production and in complementary or related activities.

Survey universe / sample frame

This is made up from the census results on which the industrial directory is based. The directory is brought up to date every year by including industrial establishments which fulfil the requirements for inclusion and which have been included in the industrial directories of the social security institutions, the Chambers of Commerce, etc.

Sample design

The survey is based on a complete count (census) of all establishments with ten or more workers.

Field work

Data collection

The distribution of the forms, the collection, preliminary examination and coding of the information, are the responsibility of the six regional directorates of DANE. The regional directorates receive from DANE the forms (certain parts of the form are prefilled in advance on the basis of the information contained in the survey records of the previous year), directories, coding manuals and instruction manuals for processing, preliminary examination and verification. The forms are generally sent out in three ways, depending on the location of the establishment; by post, invitation (the start of the survey is communicated to the unit and it is invited to collect the form from the offices of DANE), and personally (an official of DANE delivers the form to the establishment).

Survey questionnaire

The form contains 13 chapters covering all the variables surveyed. Chapter IX seeks information on the permanent workers and on wages and salaries and social benefits, by occupational category. Chapter XIII collects data on temporary workers by occupational category and sex, for each month of the year, and on wages and salaries and social benefits, by occupational category. The establishments are also provided with a manual with general information on the survey and specific instructions and definitions.

Substitution of sampling units

Not relevant.

Data processing and editing

When the forms have been received at regional headquarters, a check of coverage is carried out and the questionnaires are then verified and coded, by analysis and study of the data and by rectifying, correcting and/or clarifying the information. At the same time, those articles which have not been prefilled are coded. The regional directorates then deliver the forms every month to the collection division of DANE, which forwards them for recording and processing by computer to the economic studies division (DIECO). A system for detecting inconsistencies is used, made up of 20 programmes which carry out checks of a mathematical character, comparisons between chapters and checks against basic instructions via various records. This interactive system makes it possible for inconsistencies to be automatically corrected on detection, after consulting the source. When the preliminary tables, the checks and analyses have been produced, there follow comparative studies and analyses of each of the variables surveyed at national and regional levels, of industry group and with the data of the previous year.

Construction of indices

Not relevant.

Weighting of sample results

Not relevant.




Other bias


Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Use of other surveys

Not relevant.

Seasonal variations

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

Not available.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not relevant.

Non-response rate

Not available.

Non-sampling errors

Not available.

Conformity with other sources

Not relevant.

Available series

The survey provides information on the following variables:

History of the survey

Since 1955, DANE has carried out the Annual Survey of Manufacturing without interruption. Until 1982 the survey included, in the universe and in the results, information on a group of establishments with fewer than ten workers. Since 1983, these establishments have been omitted from the survey, which now covers all the establishments with ten or more workers.


Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE): Boletín de Estadística (monthly, Bogotá). The results of the survey are published about two years after the reference year.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

Not available.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

Data on paid employment (permanent employees) in manufacturing are published in Tables 5A and 5B of the Yearbook of Labour Statistics.