Cyprus (3)

Title of the survey

Industrial Production Survey

Organization responsible

Ministry of Finance, Department of Statistics and Research

Periodicity of the survey


Objectives of the survey

To collect data on the basic economic characteristics of the industrial sector, such as employment, earnings, gross output, expenses, value added, capital investment, stocks and sales, etc., in order to assess the evolution of industry, determine its contribution to the economy of the country and determine the structure of the industrial sector.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Employment, earnings, days worked and compensation of employees.

Reference period

The whole calendar year.

Coverage of the survey


The Government controlled area of Cyprus.


Mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electricity, gas and water, as defined in the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968, but excluding cottage activities carried out at home (such as embroidery, weaving and basketry), the manufacturing activities of Government departments (such as the Government Printing Office and the Pharmaceutical Laboratory), slaughtering in villages which is included in the retailing of meat, and the supply of water in towns undertaken by private firms as a secondary activity.


All types and sizes of enterprises and establishments.


All persons engaged, excluding Cypriots working temporarily abroad and those working on the British bases.


Not relevant.

Concepts and definitions


Data are collected on all persons engaged, referring to the average of all persons working or having worked in the enterprise during the reference year. Included are working proprietors, unpaid family workers (provided they worked for at least half the normal hours), apprentices and all employees, among whom operatives are identified separately. Operatives include all employees who are directly engaged in production or related activities, including any clerical or working supervisory personnel whose function is to record or expedite any step in the production process. Part-time workers are those working fewer than the usual number of days of operation of the enterprise, or persons working fewer than the normal hours of work each day. In their reporting, establishments convert the number of part-time workers into full-time equivalents using as a conversion factor the number of working days for which the establishment usually operates or the normal hours worked by full-time employees. The data collected from the establishment relate to average employment calculated as the average of monthly employment for the whole year, for each category (working proprietors and partners; operatives; and other employees), and the average quarterly employment for all categories together for each quarter of the reference year. The total number of women engaged is also collected.

Compensation of employees

Data are collected separately on the following components: The data on wages and salaries are collected separately for: The data on compensation of employees are collected for all employees together.

Hours of work

Data are not collected on hours of work, but on days worked by operatives, referring to the total of all days actually spent by each operative at work. Information is collected separately on the number of working days in the establishment during the reference year, and the total number of days lost by operatives during the reference year because of vacation, public holidays, sick leave, strikes, etc.

International recommendations

The definition of compensation of employees conforms with the System of National Accounts (SNA), 1968.


Components of labour cost / compensation of employees

Data are classified according to the two major components:


Data are classified according to the major kind of economic activity, based on the principal category of goods produces in the establishment, using the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968, at the two-digit level.


Not relevant.


The wage data are classified by major group of persons engaged (working proprietors and partners, operatives and other employees).

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The sampling unit is, in principle, the establishment, defined as an economic unit (a firm or self-employed), which engages under a single ownership or control in one or more than one kind of economic activity, but operates in one building or an integral group of buildings, e.g. an individual workshop, factory, etc. Thus, if an enterprise carries out its business at more than one location, and therefore consists of more than one establishment, each unit (establishment) is enumerated separately. However, if the enterprise consists of more than one establishment, and no separate accounts are kept for each establishment, the information is provided on an enterprise basis. As a consequence, the reporting unit is the enterprise rather than the establishment. It should be noted, however, that there are few multi-establishment enterprises in Cyprus, so that in most cases the establishment and the enterprise are the same.

Survey universe / sample frame

The Registration of Establishments, which is a census of all non-agricultural establishments. The frame is updated every four to five years, when a new Registration is carried out. The next Registration was planned for 1995. The 1989 Registration of Establishments covered 51,074 establishments.

Sample design

The survey is based on a complete enumeration of establishments in mining and quarrying and in electricity and gas, because of their small numbers. Manufacturing is covered on a sample basis. The sample frame from the Registration of Establishments is stratified into about 350 domains based on economic activity (at about the four-digit level of ISIC). Each sampling domain is then stratified according to the size of establishments. Large establishments (with 30 or more persons employed) are all included in the sample, as are medium-size establishments (the size of which varies with the stratum). Small establishments are selected with probability proportional to size and with a weight which is the inverse of their probability of selection. About 73 per cent of all manufacturing establishments are small, with four or fewer persons employed. In 1989, the sample for manufacturing included 1,150 establishments representing about 18 per cent of the total. A completely new sample is selected after completion of a new Registration of Establishments.

Field work

Data collection

Data are collected during the period July-December following the reference year, by personal interviews carried out by the regular staff of the Department of Statistics and Research, assisted by enumerators recruited on a temporary basis.

Survey questionnaire

This consists of nine parts. The first is designed to collect information on the characteristics of the establishment, including the name, location, economic activity and size (in terms of employment, gross output and value added), and contains instructions for completing the questionnaire. The other eight parts are designed to collect data on the following for each establishment in the sample:

Substitution of sampling units


Data processing and editing

The questionnaires are checked and edited both manually and by computer. Computer editing includes consistency checks and validation of data.

Types of estimates

Construction of indices

Index numbers are not constructed.

Weighting of sample results

The survey results are grossed up using the inverse of the sampling fraction.



Not available.

Other bias

Not available.

Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Use of other surveys

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

The Registration of Establishments provides for complete coverage of establishments.

Sampling error / sampling variance

About 2.4 per cent with a 95 per cent confidence interval, and about 3.2 per cent with a 99 per cent confidence interval, for employment in manufacturing in the 1991 survey.

Non-response rate

Not available.

Non-sampling errors

Not available.

Conformity with other sources

Every five years, the Department of Statistics and Research conducts a Census of Industrial Production, covering large establishments with five or more persons engaged on a complete enumeration basis, and small establishments with four or fewer persons engaged on a sample basis. The Census provides the basis for reviewing the intercensal estimates of employment, output and value added that are compiled from the annual survey.

Available series

The following tables are prepared regularly:

History of the survey

The Industrial Survey has been carried out each year since 1963. It has been carried out in its present form since 1976. Prior to 1974, the data covered the whole country. Prior to 1976, the data were classified according to the 1958 version of ISIC. From 1976, ISIC, Rev.2, 1968, has been used. and since then, has been conducted without any major changes.


Department of Statistics and Research, Ministry of Finance: Industrial Statistics (annual; Nicosia). The survey results are published about 18 months after the reference year. Data may also be made available on diskette, in ASCII files.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

In compliance with the Statistical Law (47/1968), all data collected are treated as confidential and used only for statistical purposes. No data are published for individual enterprises, or where there are only one or two enterprises in an industrial activity, unless prior agreement has been obtained from the enterprise concerned, or in cases where the enterprise was a semi-government organization or a public company.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

Estimates of average compensation of employees in manufacturing per employee per year are published in Tables 22A and 22B of the Yearbook of Labour Statistics.