Czech Republic - 1

Title of the survey

Report on Employment and Wages.

Organization responsible

Czech Statistical Office.

Periodicity of the survey

Quarterly and yearly.

Objectives of the survey

To obtain information on total employment, the number of employees and their average gross earnings.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Employment and earnings (as well as hours of work of manual workers in industry and construction).

Reference period

The full quarter in the quarterly survey; the whole year in the annual survey.

Coverage of the survey


The whole country.


All branches of economic activity, except the armed forces (professionals, soldiers of the basic military service and policemen), household employing domestic services, embassies and consulates.


In agriculture, industry, construction and transport, storage and communication: enterprises with 20 and more employees;

In services: enterprises with one and more employees;

All organisations fully or partially financed from the State or local budget and non-profit institutions, regardless of the number of employees.


Employees. Information is also collected on the number of other persons engaged: working proprietors without an employment contract, unpaid contributing family workers and commission agents.

Excluded are persons released for the execution of public functions and employees of security information services.


Data are not collected by individual occupation.

Concepts and definitions


Employees are all permanent and temporary workers with an employment relation with an employer. They include working proprietors with an employment contract, working directors, wage earners, salaried employees, workers on probation and piece workers, home workers, casual, temporary and seasonal workers, whether full- or part-time. Persons temporarily absent from work because of paid vacation, industrial dispute, sickness or accident, etc., persons temporarily present on payroll during notice period preceding retirement, resignation or dismissal, and persons on temporary military service are included.

Excluded from employees are: apprentices, trainees, workers sub-contracted from other enterprises or from temporary work agencies, persons absent from work for unpaid vacation or holiday (for more than four weeks), maternity leave, parental and additional leave.

The average registered number of employees in a month equals the total number of employees on each calendar day of the month, divided by the full number of calendar days in that month (for weekend days and holidays, the number of employees is the same as that of the previous working day) - or the average of the number of employees at the beginning and at the end of the survey month.

Data on the number of employees by sex are collected as of 31 December of each year.


Data are collected on gross earnings (i.e. before deduction of employees' personal income taxes and contributions to social security schemes, pension funds and similar schemes). They include:
  1. direct wages and salaries for time worked or work done, including overtime pay, premium pay for shift, night or holiday work, commissions, regular bonuses, and cost-of-living allowance,
  2. remuneration for time not worked (annual leave, vacation, public holidays and other time off with pay),
  3. irregular bonuses and premiums (year-end, seasonal and similar bonuses, profit-sharing bonuses); and
  4. the value of some payments in kind (food and drink, fuel);
Excluded from gross earnings are housing and transport allowances and the value of certain payments in kind (e.g. free or subsidised housing, footwear and clothing). Family/children allowances paid by the employer are not relevant in the Czech Republic.

Wage / salary rates

Not relevant.

Hours of work

These refer to hours actually worked by manual/production workers in industry and construction. They include:
  1. normal hours of work; overtime; time spent at place on preparation of workplace, repair, maintenance, preparation and cleaning of tools, preparation of receipts, time sheets, reports,
  2. time spent at the place of work waiting or standing by for such reasons as lack of supply of work, breakdown of machinery, or time spent at the place of work during which no work is done but for which payment is made under a guaranteed employment contract; and
  3. time corresponding to short rest periods at the workplace including tea or coffee breaks.
In construction, data are collected each month.

In industry, data are collected each quarter, and separate data are collected on the following components: hours not worked due to vacation, official holidays, and sickness or injury. Each year, data are also collected on work days in industry.

International recommendations

The definitions of earnings and hours actually worked conform to the international guidelines, with a few minor exclusions from earnings.



Data are classified at the one- and two-digit level of the Branch Classification of Economic Activities (OKEC). This national classification is an adaptation of the Statistical Classification of economic activities of the European Communities (NACE, Rev.1) which is itself based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.3.


Not relevant.


Data are classified by type of ownership, region, and according to the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA-1995). Employment data are classified by sex (number of employees as of 31 December).

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The sampling and reporting unit is the enterprise.

Survey universe / sample frame

This is the Business Register, which is updated on a quarterly basis from the trade courts, the trade licence offices and the Czech Administration of Social Security.

Sample design

A stratified random sampling is used. Enterprises are stratified by SNA sector (at the first digit level of the System of National Accounts), by economic activity at the two- and three-digit level of OKEC, by legal status of enterprises (shareholding and non-shareholding enterprises), and employment size.

In general, all large enterprises and organisations are fully enumerated, and a sample is drawn from smaller enterprises (below 20 or 50 employees). The sampling fraction varies with the economic activity.

Field work

Data collection

The survey is conducted by mailed questionnaires. A permanent organisation is responsible for data collection. The survey forms are to be returned within 2 to 4 weeks following the reference quarter in the quarterly surveys, and within 2 months following the reference year in the annual survey.

Survey questionnaire

Available in Czech.

Substitution of sampling units

No substitution is applied.

Data processing and editing

Quality controls are carried out on the questionnaire and 7-level quality codes are applied. The data are checked and edited through field work, by the CSO regional centres. Inconsistent or missing data are followed up through telephone calls or mail. Consistency and logic checks are carried out.

Types of estimates

Total employment, number of employees, average gross monthly earnings and average hours actually worked.

In enterprises with 20 or more employees, part-time workers are converted to full-time equivalents.

Construction of indices

An index of average gross nominal wages and salaries is computed.

Weighting of sample results

Within each stratum, data obtained from the sample are extrapolated by means of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator, applying a coefficient, which corresponds to the ratio of the total number of enterprises in the stratum to the number of responding enterprises.



An adjustment for total non-response in provided for in the weighting procedure: the weights of the different strata are corrected according to the response rate.

Other bias

Adjustments are made in cases of significant changes in the economic classification or extreme values in the replies of respondents with a high rate of representativeness.

Use of benchmark data

Employment data from the Czech Administration of Social Security are used as benchmark to adjust the survey results.

Seasonal variations

The survey results are not adjusted for seasonal variations.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

Total coverage is aimed at through the regular updating of the Business Register.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not available.

Non-response rate

Not available.

Non-sampling errors

Inaccuracies may occur because of erroneous reporting on economic classification of units in the Register.

Conformity with other sources

The survey results are compared with the results of other surveys that collect similar data (monthly enterprise surveys in industry, construction, trade and services, or labour force sample surveys).

Available series

Published quarterly and yearly data include average number of employees, and average gross monthly earnings by branch of economic activity.

History of the survey

Annual time series of employment have been available since 1948, and average gross monthly earnings since 1955.

Until 1989, the survey covered the whole socialist sector. Since 1990, the statistical reporting system has undergone adjustments in response to the reform of the economy. In particular, the following changes were brought to the industrial coverage and classification:

In the enterprise sectors, the statistics covered:

In the non-business sphere, all organisations funded fully or partially from the state or local budget and non-profit institutions (e.g. health insurance companies), excluding the armed forces, are covered.

From 1992, the Branch Classification of Economic Activities was introduced to supersede the so-called Unified Classification of National Economy Branches.


Czech Statistical Office: Yearbook of the Czech Republic (annual, Prague);

idem: Monthly Statistics of the Czech Republic (ibid.).

Quarterly data are published some 70 to 80 days after the survey reference period; annual data are published some 11 to 12 months after the reference year.

Statistics on the number of employees and their average earnings, by branch of economic activity according to NACE, Rev.1, can be made available upon request, and on diskette. They are also regularly shown on Internet at the following address:

See also:

CESTAT Statistical Bulletin, publication prepared jointly by the Czech Statistical Office, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, the Central Statistical Office of Poland, the National Commission for Statistics of Romania, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (quarterly).

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

The surveys are conducted under the Act on the State Statistical Service No. 89/1995, which defines the rights and obligations of the Czech Statistical Office towards reporting units. It contains directives on the independence of the CSO and the protection of individual respondents' data.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

The following data are published in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics:

Average number of employees by economic activity and average number of wage-earners in manufacturing, by sex;

Average weekly hours actually worked by wage earners, in industry only and in manufacturing, by industry group;

Average monthly earnings of employees by economic activity, and average monthly earnings of wage earners in manufacturing by sex and industry group.

The corresponding quarterly data are published in the relevant tables of the Bulletin of Labour Statistics.

Other sources of data

A Structure of Earnings Survey is conducted by the Czech Statistical Office each year. The results are published in:

Czech Statistical Office: Structure of Earnings Survey (annual); both Czech and English versions are available.

A survey entitled Information system on the average earnings is also conducted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs each year. It provides data on hourly and monthly earnings and normal hours of work by occupation. The results of this survey, with reference to the third quarter of each year, are published in Statistics on occupational wages and hours of work and on food prices - October Inquiry results, a special supplement to the ILO Bulletin of Labour Statistics.