Denmark (2)

Title of the survey


Organization responsible

The Danish Employers' Association is responsible for planning and conducting the survey, and the results are published jointly by the Association and Danmarks Statistik.

Periodicity of the survey


Objectives of the survey

Not available.

Main labour topics covered by the survey


Reference period

The full quarter.

Coverage of the survey


The whole country.


All activities covered by the Danish Employers' Association, i.e. those included in groups 2100 to 7192 of the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968.


All types of establishments, except those in the public sector.


Wage earners only, i.e. manual workers, including workers on probation, piece workers, part-time workers and casual, seasonal and temporary workers, but excluding apprentices and trainees, commission agents, workers sub-contracted from other companies or firms and young workers below 18 years of age.


Not relevant.

Concepts and definitions


Not relevant.


Data are collected on the total gross earnings of wages earners, including direct wages (except for cost-of-living, house rent, transport and family allowances paid by the employer) and remuneration for time not worked. Irregularly paid bonuses and gratuities and earnings in kind are excluded.

Wage/salary rates

Not relevant.

Hours of work

Information not available.

International recommendations

The definition of gross earnings is limited to those payments regularly made for time worked or work done, including remuneration for time not worked (annual leave or holidays). It excludes all irregular payments and the value of payments in kind.



The survey results are classified by economic activity, at the one-digit level of the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968.


Not relevant.


The survey data are also classified according to sex and skilled or unskilled workers.

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The sampling unit is the establishment and the reporting unit is the kind-of-activity unit.

Survey universe / sample frame

This consists of the list of members of the Danish Employers' Association.

Sample design

The survey is a complete enumeration of members of the Danish Employers' Association.

Field work

Data collection

Data are collected by means of mailed questionnaires.

Survey questionnaire

Not available.

Substitution of sampling units

Not relevant.

Data processing and editing

The data are processed by computer.

Types of estimates

Not available.

Construction of indices

Not relevant.

Weighting of sample results

Not relevant.


No information is available.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

Not available.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not relevant.

Non-response rate

It is very low.

Non-sampling errors

Not available.

Conformity with other sources

Not available.

Available series

Not available.

History of the survey

The survey began in 1908.


Not available.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

Not available.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

The annual series of average hourly earnings in non-agricultural activities, manufacturing and construction up to 1992 are published in Tables 16, 17A, 17B and 19 of the Yearbook of Labour Statistics. The quarterly data on average earnings in non-agricultural activities up to 1992 are published in Table 7 of the Bulletin of Labour Statistics.

Other sources of data

This survey was discontinued in 1992 as a result of the revision of the Danish wages statistics system. Data from the new survey from 1994 onwards should be available for publication in the 1996 Yearbook of Labour Statistics.