
Title of the survey

Encuesta Anual de Manufacturera y Minería (Annual Survey of Manufacturing and Mining)

Organization responsible

Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo (INEC)

Periodicity of the survey


Objectives of the survey

To provide important indicators on manufacturing and mining, such as: persons employed, earnings, output, intermediate consumption, value added, gross formation of capital, etc. These indicators allow the structure of the industries to be analyzed and facilitate diagnosis and planning.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Employment, earnings (wages and salaries), compensation of employees, and industrial statistics.

Reference period

For employment, wages and salaries: November of each year. For compensation of employees: the year.

Coverage of the survey


The whole national territory.


Manufacturing, mining and quarrying.


Establishments which, on the date of the survey, had ten or more persons employed.


All persons employed during the reference period.


Not relevant.

Concepts and definitions


Persons employed are defined as the average number of persons who worked in or for the establishment in November. Included are workers on vacation, sick leave, strike or any other kind of short-term leave. Excluded are all home workers, persons on indefinite lay-off and persons performing military service. Persons employed are classified into: The total of salaried employees and manual workers makes up paid employment.

Compensation of employees

This refers to the total compensation paid by the establishment to all salaried employees and workers, both in cash and in kind. It includes social security contributions on behalf of the employees, life insurance and other similar benefits. For the purpose of data collection, earnings are divided into: Data are collected separately on manual and non-manual workers' and wages and salaries for November, and on each of the components of compensation of employees, for all employees for the reference year.

Hours of work

Not relevant.

International recommendations

The concept of compensation of employees used in this survey complies with the recommendations of the United Nations for the System of National Accounts.



The International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev. 2, 1968 is used at the level of major divisions 2 and 3.


Not relevant.


Data on employment and on wages and salaries are classified according to category (manual and non-manual workers). All the data are classified by size of the establishment (10-19; 20-49; 50-99; 100-199; 200-499 and 500 and over) and region (Sierra, Costa and Amazonica).

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The unit supplying the data is the establishment. This is defined as the economic unit which, under one proprietor or control, or under one legal entity, is devoted exclusively or mainly to mining or manufacturing (i.e. a mine, factory or workshop).

Survey universe / sample frame

The survey frame is the directory of economic establishments of the INEC, which is based on the 1980 economic census. This directory is updated on the basis of the directories of the Chambers of Production. In 1993 the directory covered some 1,797 establishments in mining and manufacturing.

Sample design

The survey is based on a complete enumeration of establishments with ten or more persons employed.

Field work

Data collection

Data are collected by means of questionnaires delivered directly to the establishments or sent by post by the INEC, between April and August of the year following the reference year. They are to be returned with the information requested by the beginning of July.

Survey questionnaire

This comprises 13 chapters: Instructions are sent together with the questionnaire, and an instruction manual is available for interviewers.

Substitution of sampling units

Establishments which are no longer active, fail to respond, etc. are not replaced.

Data processing and editing

The data are recorded and processed by computer. The data are compared with those previously provided by the same establishment and with the data for other establishments with the same characteristics. If the information is incomplete or if inconsistencies are detected, the enterprises are contacted by letter, telephone call or personal visit.

Types of estimates

Totals and averages of employment (persons employed and paid employees) by category. Totals and averages of compensation of employees, per person per year. Average earnings per hour; for calculating earnings per hour, an average 40-hour a week is taken, as established by law.

Construction of indices

Indices are not constructed.

Weighting of sample results

Not relevant.



Not relevant.

Other bias


Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

The 1979 directory of establishments is updated on the basis of the directories of the Chambers of Production.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not calculated.

Non-response rate

Not available.

Non-sampling errors

Not available.

Conformity with other sources

Not relevant.

Estimates for non-survey years

Not relevant.

Available series

at the national level and at the level of regions and provinces.

History of the survey

The Annual Survey of Manufacturing and Mining began in 1955 with the first industrial census. Using the national directory of establishment compiled in that year, annual surveys of mining and manufacturing were carried out between 1956 and 1964. However, it was only in 1961 that the results began to be published. In 1965, the second economic census was carried out. Between 1966 and 1979 continuous annual surveys were carried out, using the 1964 directory of establishments as the frame, updated on the basis of the directories of the Chambers of Production and other publications. The third economic census was carried out in 1980 and from then on continuous annual surveys have been carried out using the 1979 directory of establishments as the frame. This directory is updated on the basis of the directories of the Chambers of Production. The questionnaires have been modified according to the requirements of the survey.


Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo (INEC): Encuesta Anual de Manufaturera y Minería (annual, Quito); available about 16 months after the reference year of the survey. The survey data are also available on diskette.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

The data supplied by respondents are protected by Article 21 of the Statistics Law. Any person who provides false data or information, or fails to submit them at the proper time, can be penalized by the INEC in accordance with Article 22 of that law.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

The following are published in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics: