Finland (3)

Title of the survey

Industrial Statistics

Organization responsible

Statistics Finland

Periodicity of the survey


Objectives of the survey

To obtain basic information on the size and structure of the industrial sector.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Employment, earnings, hours worked and employers' contributions to social security schemes and pension funds.

Reference period

The calendar year for all data.

Coverage of the survey


The whole country.


Mining and quarrying, manufacturing and electricity, gas and water, according to major divisions 2, 3 and 4 of the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968.


Establishments with at least five persons engaged. Those with fewer than five persons engaged are included if their turnover corresponds to the average level of turnover of enterprises with personnel of between five and ten persons. The level of turnover is reviewed each year.


All persons engaged, including owners and unpaid family workers participating in the work of the establishment.


Not relevant.

Concepts and definitions


All persons engaged cover working proprietors, unpaid family workers and paid employees. Apprentices, commission agents, young workers, piece workers, casual, temporary and seasonal workers, part-time workers, persons temporarily absent from work because of paid leave, sickness, maternity or accident, or temporarily laid off or on strike and persons attending reservist military manoeuvres are included. Working directors, homeworkers and persons temporarily absent from work on unpaid leave are excluded. Data are collected by category of persons engaged (private entrepreneurs, wage earners and salaried employees) and by sex.


Data are collected on the wage bill which comprises all wages and salaries subject to preliminary tax withholding. It includes direct wages, remuneration for time not worked (holiday pay), the value of earnings in kind (calculated according to their actual current value), holiday bonus and productivity and other bonuses. Irregularly paid bonuses and gratuities (e.g. year-end, seasonal and similar bonuses, profit-sharing bonuses) are excluded. The sickness insurance compensation which employers receive for sick leave and maternity leave is deducted from the wage bill. Data are reported separately for wage earners and salaried employees.

Compensation of employees

It includes: Data are reported separately for wage earners and salaried employees.

Hours of work

Data are collected on the total number of hours actually spent at work by employees in a calendar year. They include normal hours worked, overtime hours worked, time spent at the place of work on work such as preparation of the workplace, repairs, maintenance, preparation and cleaning of tools, preparation of receipts, time sheets and reports, time spent at the place of work waiting or standing by for reasons such as lack of supply of work, breakdown of machinery or accident, or time spent at the place of work during which no work is done but for which payment is made under a guaranteed employment contract, and time corresponding to short rest periods at the workplace, including tea and coffee breaks. Hours paid for but not worked, such as for vacation, public holidays, sick leave, meal breaks, civic leave, personal leave and commuting time are excluded. Data are reported separately for wage earners and salaried employees.

International recommendations

The definition of the wage bill. corresponds to the concept of regular earnings in cash and in kind. That of hours actually worked is in line with the international recommendations. The definition of compensation of employees conforms to the United Nations guidelines on industrial statistics.


Components of labour cost / compensation of employees

Data on earnings and social security contributions are shown separately.


The results are classified according to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC-1988), at the three- and four-digit levels. This classification is based on the International Standard industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968. Since 1995, the SIC can also be converted to ISIC, Rev.3, 1990.


Not relevant.


The data are also classified according to province and commune, and employee category (wage earners and salaried employees).

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The sampling and reporting unit is the establishment, defined as an economic unit which produces commodities of a particular kind under a single ownership or control, and usually located in one place. The municipality is the location unit of an establishment. Accordingly, establishments which are located in different municipalities but are part of the same enterprise are regarded as separate statistical units. This also applies to the units which are located in the same municipality but at different addresses.

Survey universe / sample frame

This comprises all establishments with at least five persons engaged.

Sample design

The survey is based on a complete enumeration of establishments.

Field work

Data collection

This takes place each year by postal questionnaire and relates to the previous calendar year.

Survey questionnaire

Three separate inquiry forms are used, which collect data on:

Substitution of sampling units

Not relevant.

Data processing and editing

The data are processed by computer. Responses are coded directly on the survey questionnaires. The survey is compulsory and controlled by legal authorities. When non-response occurs, the data are estimated on the basis of the previous year. A number of computer checks are used.

Types of estimates

Average number of persons engaged, number of employees by category, total and average earnings, hours worked and social security costs for the calendar year. Employees who have worked half a year represent half a person, whereas part-time employees each represent one person.

Construction of indices

Index numbers are not computed.

Weighting of sample results

Not relevant.



No adjustments are made for non-response.

Other bias

No adjustments are made for any other bias.

Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Use of other surveys

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

This is assumed to cover all establishments with five or more persons engaged. The coverage of the Industrial Statistics is compared to the inquiry carried out by the Register of Enterprises and Establishments on the enterprises liable to pay turnover tax. In 1986, the industrial statistics covered: 30 percent of the total number of establishments, 96 percent of deliveries and 95 percent of persons engaged in the manufacturing sector.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not relevant.

Non-response rate

Practically zero.

Non-sampling errors

Not available.

Conformity with other sources

Not applied.

Estimates for non-survey years

Not relevant.

Available series

The following labour-related tables are produced:

History of the survey

The survey began in 1884.


Statistics Finland: Teollisuuden vuosikirja osa 1 (Industrial Statistics, Volume 1) (Helsinki, annual).

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

The release of data is subject to confidentiality rules whereby neither individual establishments nor individual persons can be identified.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

Statistics of average compensation of employees per hour in manufacturing are published in Tables 22A and 22B of the Yearbook of Labour Statistics.