Title of the survey
Survey of Employment and Earnings.
Organization responsible
Statistical Service.
Periodicity of the survey
Objectives of the survey
To provide relevant statistical data that will be of practical
usefulness to the Government and employers' organizations for
ascertaining trends in wage employment and earnings.
The survey results are used primarily for planning and evaluating
various aspects of economic policy measures designed at promoting
Main labour topics covered by the survey
Employment, earnings and hours of work.
Reference period
The last pay-week of December.
Coverage of the survey
The whole country.
All branches of economic activity, except the armed forces and
household services.
All types and sizes of establishments which have identifiable
business premises in Ghana.
All employees, including working proprietors. Excluded are
self-employed workers and unpaid family workers.
All occupations are covered. Data are collected according to seven
occupational groups (see under Classifications).
Concepts and definitions
An employee is defined as any person who did work for pay
and was paid an agreed wage or salary in cash during the last pay-week
of the reference month. Full- and part-time employees are covered by
this definition, as well as all civilian employees within the
armed forces, where such establishments are to be identified.
Employment figures therefore cover:
- all persons in employment, irrespective of whether on sick,
maternity or annual leave;
- senior management staff and working proprietors;
- personnel in the Ghana Police Service and related organizations, and
employees in government-controlled departments and offices engaged in
administration, defence and regulation of public order,
promotion of health, education, social welfare, sanitation, etc.;
- foreign nationals who draw full or part of their salaries and
allowances from the establishment; and
- Ghanaians employed with foreign diplomatic missions, foreign airline
companies, international organizations and non-governmental, non-profit
making institutions operating business premises in Ghana.
Data are collected separately on the following categories of persons
engaged, by sex:
- working proprietors;
- full-time employees:
- identified according to seven occupational groups;
- part-time employees, of whom:
- daily-paid workers;
- other part-time workers;
daily-paid workers and other part-time workers constitute the subgroup
of wage earners.
Data on employees normally exclude persons who do not meet the
criteria of the definition or whose situation is not full relevant to
the scope of the survey, i.e. home workers, trainees, piece workers,
commission agents, workers from other companies or work agencies,
temporary and seasonal workers, and employees on indefinite lay off.
Data are collected on total gross earnings paid to each
category of employees, before deduction of employees' income and
other taxes, contributions to social security and pension schemes,
union dues and other employees' obligations.
Gross earnings include the following three main components for which
aggregate amounts are separately identified, for each category of
employees and by sex:
- wages and salaries actually paid, i.e. the actual basic wage and
salary rates of employees paid for normal time of work, excluding
cost-of-living allowances, other guaranteed and regularly paid
reimbursements for transportation and similar expenses, overtime
payments, bonuses and gratuities, etc. supplementary to normal wage
and salary rates;
- regularly paid bonuses and commissions, i.e. all regular bonuses and
gratuities, year-end profit sharing bonuses, payments for overtime work,
overtime premium, cost-of-living allowances, and similar bonuses and
- other allowances and value of allowances in kind, i.e. the actual
and imputed value of rent allowance; transport allowance; the cost of
rations including meals paid to employees; the value of uniforms,
clothing, bedding, etc.; medical benefits; annual leave passages and
other paid leave or holidays; all other elements of earnings which are
usually received regularly; and the value of housing, if provided by the
employer; in the latter case, the value of housing is estimated at
employers' cost, i.e. it represents either the rent paid by the employer
for the employee, or the estimated rent the employer would get if he
were to let the accommodation on the open market, in case of
employer-owned housing.
Wage/salary rates
The objective of the survey is not to collect data on wage rates.
However, the definition of wages and salaries actually paid used in this
survey corresponds to that of basic wage rates paid for normal hours of
work and the data are collected by category of employee and by sex.
Hours of work
Data are collected on the number of normal hours of work for
the last pay-week of the reference month, irrespective of the category
of workers.
Normal hours of work are those fixed by collective agreements or
establishments' internal regulations, irrespective of whether they were
actually worked or paid for but not worked.
International recommendations
The definition of earnings and normal hours of work conform to the
international recommendations.
Data on employment and earnings are classified according to
the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic
(ISIC), Rev. 2, 1968. Nine major groups are used for the coding of
economic activities.
Data on employment and earnings of full-time employees
are classified according to the International Standard Classification
of Occupations
(ISCO-68). Seven major groups are used for coding:
- professional, technical and related workers,
- legislators, administrative and managerial workers (including
working directors),
- clerical and related workers,
- sales and service workers,
- agriculture, forestry and fishery workers,
- industrial workers and transport equipment operators,
- other elementary occupations and labourers.
Part-time employees are not classified by occupational group.
Data are also classified by region, district, location, type of
ownership and type of organization, as well as according to employees'
characteristics: sex, permanent or temporary, full- or part-time.
Sample size and design
Statistical unit
The sampling and reporting unit is the establishment, defined
as an economic unit or branch of an enterprise under a single or joint
ownership at a single physical location (e.g. a store, factory, workshop
or office of an enterprise). Where such a unit or branch forms part of
an enterprise operating many other units in one locality and/or produces
more than one group of products, or is engaged in more than one economic
activity, separate returns a filled in on each line of production.
Survey universe / sample frame
The list of establishments based on the results the
Industrial Census, and updated each year by local enumeration.
The universe comprises some 7,000 establishments.
Sample design
The survey is a complete enumeration of establishments covered.
Field work
Data collection
This takes place during the period from December of a given year to 15
February of the following year. A questionnaire is mailed to each
establishment which must complete and return it within two weeks of
receipt. If necessary, enumerators from the permanent survey
organization may visit the establishment and assist the respondent in
completing the form.
Survey questionnaire
The questionnaire consists of two pages and is designed to collect
information on:
- the characteristics of establishments (address, location, main
activity and product or service, type of organization and
type of ownership, etc.);
- normal hours of work in the establishment;
- number of persons and earnings by main components, for each
category of employees and by sex.
Explanatory notes and instructions on definitions, inclusions and
exclusions are provided with the questionnaire.
An Interviewer's Manual is also available for enumerators.
Substitution of sampling units
Not relevant.
Data processing and editing
Survey responses are coded in the Office. Data are edited manually
and processed by personal computer. In cases of total non-response,
establishments are visited fortnightly. In the case of missing or
inconsistent data, they are contacted by telephone and where possible,
after the telephone contact, enumerators visit the establishment for
clarifications and corrections.
Types of estimates
Totals and monthly averages of employment, earnings and normal hours
of work.
Construction of indices
Weighting of sample results
Not relevant.
Other bias
Use of benchmark data
Not relevant.
Seasonal variations
Not relevant.
Indicators of reliability of the estimates
Coverage of the sampling frame
Total coverage is aimed at through the Industrial Census.
Sampling error / sampling variance
Not relevant.
Non-response rate
Not available.
Non-sampling errors
Not available.
Conformity with other sources
Not relevant.
Available series
The following tables are prepared regularly:
- recorded employment in establishments irrespective of size, by major
economic activity and sector;
- average monthly earnings per employee in establishments irrespective
of size, by major economic activity and sector.
History of the survey
The Survey on Employment and Earnings was introduced in 1966. Since
then, the survey questionnaire has been revised several times,
with a view to improving data collection and details obtained.
The questionnaire was last revised in 1989.
Statistical Service: Quarterly Digest of Statistics (Accra).
idem: Survey on Employment and Earnings (annual, ibid.).
This publication contains methodological details.
Unpublished data that do not appear in national publications may be
made available upon request, on paper and on diskettes.
Confidentiality / Reliability criteria
The survey is conducted under Section 15 of the P.N.D.C.
Statistical Service Law 135 of 1985 which makes it compulsory for
establishments to complete and return the questionnaires and to provide
accurate and correct information. No specific law or regulation
applies to confidentiality of the data.
Other information
Data supplied to the ILO for publication
The following data are published in the Yearbook of Labour
- paid employment: general level, employment by industry, in
non-agricultural activities and in specific industries, in Tables 3A,
3B, 4, 5A, 6, 7 and 8, for males and females combined;
- average monthly earnings of employees,
in non-agricultural activities, manufacturing, mining and quarrying,
construction, transport, storage and communication and agriculture
in Tables 16, 17A, 18, 19, 20 and 21, for males and females