Jordan (2)

Title of the survey

Industrial Survey

Organization responsible

Department of Statistics.

Periodicity of the survey


Objectives of the survey

To provide data on the industrial sector: number of establishments, kind of activity, number of employees and their compensation, production, expenditure, etc.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Employment and compensation of employees, obtained as a by-product of industrial statistics.

Reference period

The whole calendar year.

Coverage of the survey


The whole country.


Mining, manufacturing, electricity and industrial services.


All types and sizes of establishments.


All persons engaged.


Data are not collected by occupation.

Concepts and definitions


All persons engaged include all persons working in or for the establishment, i.e. working proprietors and working directors, unpaid employees (unpaid family workers and other unpaid workers) and paid employees, i.e. persons who contribute to the production, whether they receive a wage or a salary. Excluded from all persons engaged are apprentices and trainees, home workers, commission agents and persons on temporary military service. Paid employees (i.e. employees) include:

Compensation of employees

This includes all payments made to or on behalf of the workers, in cash and in kind, as well as employers' contributions to social security and assimilated schemes, i.e.: Data on compensation of employees cover all persons engaged.

Hours of work

Data are collected on normal hours of work, fixed by labour laws and regulations. Statistics of normal hours of work are not compiled. The measurement unit for compensation of employees is the whole calendar year.

International recommendations

The concept of compensation of employees follows the United Nations guidelines for industrial statistics and contained in the System of National Accounts.


Components of labour cost / compensation of employees

Not applied.


The survey data are classified according major divisions 2, 3 and 4 of the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968. They are collected at the four-digit level, and published at the three-digit level of this classification.


Not relevant.



Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The establishment and the kind-of-activity unit.

Survey universe / sample frame

This is obtained from the records of the Industrial Census, maintained by the Ministry of Industry. The Industrial Census takes place every four years. The basic frame is updated at the end of each year to take into account newly recorded establishments, as well as closing or changes in economic activity of establishments.

Sample design

The survey follows a two-phase design: it provides for complete coverage of all establishments in electricity and all establishments with 20 or more persons engaged in mining and manufacturing; and it is conducted on a sample basis for establishments with less than 20 persons engaged. The sample is stratified by size class and region and a simple random sample is drawn with the following sampling rates: Altogether, the survey covers some 1380 establishments. The sample is updated once a year, on the basis of new registrations and disappearance of establishments, as recorded by the Ministry of Industry.

Field work

Data collection

This takes place in March of each year. Data are collected by personal inverviews conducted by temporarily recruited enumerators.

Survey questionnaire

This is designed to collect information and data on:

Substitution of sampling units

In case of total non-response from a sampled establishment, the unit is replaced by another similar unit of the same region, economic activity and size class.

Data processing and editing

The survey responses are edited both in the office and through field work. They are processed both manually and by computer and consistency checks are made. In case of missing or inconsistent data, responding establishments are contacted by the statistical supervisors who achieve the editing.

Types of estimates

Totals for the reference year. In the estimates of employment, part-time workers are converted to full-time equivalents.

Construction of indices

Index numbers are not constructed.

Weighting of sample results

As regards the sample part of the survey, the survey results are multiplied by the reciprocal of the sampling fraction.




Other bias


Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Seasonal variations

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

Total coverage is aimed at through regular updating of the frame.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Approximately 0.0125.

Non-response rate

Approximately 0.002.

Non-sampling errors

Not available.

Conformity with other sources

The survey results are checked against the units' inputs and outputs of the previous year.

Available series

by industrial activity at the three-digit level of ISIC.

History of the survey

The survey was first conducted in 1959. In 1987, the survey questionnaire was modified to serve all future statistical purposes. Every four years, the Industrial Survey is replaced by an Industrial Census. The latest one was conducted in 1992. Since 1992, the survey data are classified according to ISIC Rev.3.


Department of Statistics: Annual Industrial Survey (annual, Amman). idem: Statistical Year Book (annual, ibid.). Data can also be made available on diskette.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

The publication and release of data are subject to confidentiality rules, whereby tables may not reveal any of the particulars of individual establishments.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

Data on paid employment in manufacturing, by major group of industry, are published in Table 5B of the Yearbook of Labour Statistics.