Kenya (2)

Title of the survey

Survey of Industrial Production Census of Industrial Production

Organization responsible

Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Ministry of Planning and National Development

Periodicity of the survey

The Survey is annual; the Census takes place every five years.

Objectives of the survey

Compilation of national accounts, including the balance of payments. The survey results are used for formulating the development plan, and by researchers, businessmen, etc.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Employment and compensation of employees (in addition to industrial data such as value of stocks, revenue and receipts, costs and expenditure on fixed assets).

Reference period

For employment: the start and the end of the reporting year. For compensation of employees: the whole calendar year, or the accounting year.

Coverage of the survey


The whole country.


Mining and quarrying, manufacturing, building and construction.


Survey of Industrial Production: establishments with 20 or more persons employed. Census of Industrial Production: establishments with one or more persons employed.


All persons engaged.


Not relevant.

Concepts and definitions


All persons engaged include regular and casual employees, self-employed and (unpaid) family workers, e.g. working directors or partners. All these categories are separately identified:

Compensation of employees

This corresponds to the sum of:

International recommendations

The concept of compensation of employees used is in line with the guidelines of the United Nations for industrial statistics and for computation of national accounts.


Components of labour cost / compensation of employees

Data on compensation of employees are classified by main components (gross cash remuneration and gross non-cash benefits).


The industrial classification used is based on the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), Rev.2, 1968, at the three-digit level, with some slight variations to fit the Kenyan local economy.


Not relevant.


Employment data are classified by establishments' size group (5 groups: 1-4; 5-19; 20-49; 50-99; 100 employees and more), by town and by category (regular employees, casual employees and self-employed).

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The establishment, defined as an economic unit (e.g. factory, workshop, quarry or mine) at a specific location, in which a clearly identified economic activity is undertaken.

Survey universe / sample frame

This consists of the Central Register of Establishments which covers all establishments operating in recognizable permanent premises. Such establishments are required to have a license for their activities, which leads, in turn, to their inclusion in the register. The register, maintained by the Central Bureau of Statistics, is regularly updated on the basis of various administrative registers (e.g. the Registrar's General Office in the Attorney General's Chamber, the registers maintained by the National Social Security Fund, the Ministry of Industry, records maintained by various professional bodies, and the media such as Business Directory, Telephone Directory, newspapers, magazines and periodicals. Feed-back from field follow-ups and other establishment-based surveys are also used to update the Central Register.

Sample design

The Survey of Industrial Production is based on a 25 per cent random sample of establishments with 20 to 49 persons employed, and a complete enumeration of establishments with 50 or more persons employed. The sample is renewed each year. The Census of Industrial Production is based on a 25 per cent random sample of establishments with one to 19 persons employed, and a complete enumeration of establishments with 20 or more persons employed.

Field work

Data collection

The survey is conducted by mailed questionnaires. A permanent staff is responsible for data collection.

Survey questionnaire

It consists of a four-page questionnaire, which aims at collecting information and data on the characteristics of the establishment, the number of persons engaged, the value of stocks held by the establishment during the reporting year, revenue or receipts, costs and expenditure on fixed assets incurred during the same year. Explanatory notes on the inclusions and exclusions of the different components are part of the questionnaire.

Substitution of sampling units

Non-responding units are replaced by other establishments of the same revenue-generating capacity and employment size.

Data processing and editing

Data are processed by computer; they are edited manually and by machine edit programmes. Consistency checks are made against data from other surveys.

Types of estimates

Totals of employment; total and average compensation of employees.

Construction of indices

No index numbers are constructed.

Weighting of sample results

Data from the sampled establishments are multiplied by the reciprocal of the sampling fraction.




Other bias


Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Use of other surveys

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

The coverage of the Central Register of Establishments is considered almost complete, as there seems to be little chance for businesses operating in recognizable permanent solid premises to remain unlicensed, and therefore unregistered, without being detected by the authorities. In addition, newly created establishments that have not yet been licensed are listed by the field staff and entered into the "waiting file" of the Register. The waiting file also contains information on dormant units, i.e. units which are licensed but have not yet started to operate, and units identified by the survey field staff as being closed down or temporarily inactive.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not available.

Non-response rate

Approximately 30 per cent.

Non-sampling errors

Inaccuracies may occur because of clerical mistakes, usually detected at the stage of machine editing.

Conformity with other sources

The estimates are compared with those from the Quarterly Survey - Business Expectations Enquiry.

Estimates for non-survey years

Not relevant.

Available series

History of the survey

The sampling process is renewed every year to reflect changes (entries and exits) in the master file. Since 1990, the national questionnaire includes employment by sex.


Ministry of Planning and National Development, Central Bureau of Statistics: Statistical Abstract (annual, Nairobi). idem: Economic Survey (annual, ibid.). Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Statistics Division: Census of Industrial Production (five yearly, Nairobi).

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

Statistics are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act (Cap.112) and the Statistics (Census of Industrial Production) Regulations 1987. The data are used for statistical purposes only and are subject to prior authorisation from the sample establishment before being released to other Government Departments or organisations. In addition, the figures will not be published in a format which makes it possible for individual responding establishment to be identified.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

Statistics of average compensation of employees in manufacturing, per employee and per year, are published in Tables 22A and 22B of the Yearbook of Labour Statistics.