Moldova, Rep. of

Title of the survey

Monthly and Annual survey on Employment, Remuneration and Hours of Work.

Organization responsible

Department for Statistical and Sociological Research of Moldova.

Periodicity of the survey

Monthly and annual.

Objectives of the survey

To provide macro-economic indicators on the number of employees, their remuneration, hours of work and labour cost. The results are used in socio-economic analysis.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Employment, earnings, hours of work and other conditions of work.

Labour cost is covered annually since 1996.

Reference period

In the monthly survey: the month;

In the annual survey: the whole year.

Coverage of the survey


The whole country, except the left side of the Dniestr (Nistru) and the city of Bendery (Bender).


All branches of economic activity except households with employed persons.


Enterprises and establishments with 20 or more employees and all organisations and institutions.




The surveys do not collect data by individual occupation.

Concepts and definitions


A distinction is made between two categories of employees:

Employees registered on the enterprise's list, who are persons employed on the basis of an employment contract, whether full or part-time, who are on the payroll of the enterprise, irrespective of the duration of their contract. They include persons temporarily absent from work because of paid vacation or holiday, sickness or accident or any other reason, provided their remuneration is paid out of the wage fund.

Other categories of employees include workers sub-contracted from other enterprises (multiple-job holders whose main activity is with another enterprise, called sovmestitiels), collaborators with an enterprise contract, persons on unpaid leave, on short-time working, on normal and extended maternity and parental leave, and in general, persons absent from work who receive allowances or indemnities paid out of social funds (e.g. for sickness or accident).

Data are collected on the average number of employees (the total number of employees, out of which the number of employees on the enterprise's list) during the reference period (i.e. the full year in the annual survey and the month in the monthly survey) by economic activity of the enterprise or organisation.

Data on the number of employees by sex are collected with reference to the 31st of December of each year.


Data are collected on total gross earnings due to be paid to all employees and to employees on the enterprise's list during the reference period. Gross earnings include: Excluded are all payments made out of the social security and other social funds.

Data are also collected on the total amount of wage arrears, and on the value of the production sold out or given by employers to their employees in lieu of cash wages and salaries (the latter is not considered as earnings).

For the purposes of earnings statistics, average earnings are calculated by dividing the total amount of earnings due to be paid by the number of employees on the enterprise's list.

Wage / salary rates

Not relevant.

Hours of work

In the annual survey, data are collected on the total number of hours actually worked by employees on the enterprise's list.

Labour cost

In the annual survey, data are collected on total labour cost, i.e. the sum of total gross earnings (as defined above) and non-wage expenditure incurred by employers during the reference year for the utilisation of labour. Labour cost includes:

International recommendations

The definitions of total gross earnings, hours actually worked and labour cost conform to the international recommendations.


According to the 10 major groups of components of the International Standard Classification of Labour Cost (ISCLC-1966).


Since 1997 (with reference to 1996), data are classified according to the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev.3.


Not relevant.


Data are classified by type of ownership and sector.

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The reporting unit is the enterprise or organisation, i.e. a legal entity or a kind of economic activity unit.

Survey universe / sample frame

The sampling frame is the Business Register which covers industrial and commercial enterprises and establishments with 20 or more employees and all administrations and organisations.

Sample design

The surveys are conducted by complete enumeration.

Field work

Data collection

It is carried out by means of mailed questionnaires. The monthly questionnaire must be returned by the 10th of the month following the reference month; the annual questionnaire must be returned by the end of January following the reference year.

Survey questionnaire

The annual questionnaire on employment, earnings and other conditions of work collects the following data for the whole year:

Section II collects detailed data on the various components of labour cost (see under Concepts and Definitions). Information is also provided, next to these components, to identify the elements of compensation of employees used in the national accounts.

Section III collects detailed data on the number of employees on 31 December of the year, and separately, the number of working pensioners, young workers, women workers and women on extended maternity leave.

Section IV collects data on the amount of dividend and interest paid to employees.

A number of modules are attached to the annual questionnaire, covering:

The monthly questionnaire is a simplified form which collects data on the total number of employees and the total amount of wages and salaries in cash and in kind due to all employees, and separately to multiple-job holders and other employee categories not on the enterprise's list; the amount of arrears in wages and salaries for the current month and the cumulated amount since the beginning of the year; the number of employees used as a basis for the calculation of average earnings; and the total value of production sold out or given to employees in lieu of cash earnings.

Qualitative data are also collected on the reasons for variations by comparison with the previous month (organisational changes, payment of bonuses and premiums, interruption of activity for economic reasons, strike, financial difficulties, reporting error, wage negotiation, indexation, etc.).

Detailed instructions on definitions, inclusions, exclusions, etc. are provided along with all questionnaires and modules.

Substitution of sampling units

In case of total non-response, reporting units are not replaced.

Data processing and editing

Data are processed and edited by computer. In case of missing or inconsistent data, contacts are made by telephone.

Types of estimates

Monthly and annual totals, averages and percentage changes.

Construction of indices

Monthly indices of real earnings are computed by economic activity.

Weighting of sample results

Not relevant.



Not available.

Other bias

Not available.

Use of benchmark data

Not relevant.

Seasonal variations

No adjustments are made for seasonal variations.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

It is limited to enterprises with 20 and more employees.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not relevant.

Non-response rate

Not available.

Non-sampling errors

Not available.

Conformity with other sources

Not relevant.

Available series

Monthly and annual number of employees; number of workers not on payroll; average gross nominal and real monthly earnings and percentage changes by comparison with the same period of the previous year, by economic activity.

History of the survey

Over the recent years, a number of modifications have been made to the survey forms, in order to align the concepts and definitions used on the international guidelines. In 1997, the annual questionnaire was revised to cover all elements of labour cost. The first Labour Cost survey was conducted in 1997 with reference to 1996, in selected manufacturing industries.


See Moldovan Economic Trends. This is a publication prepared jointly by the European Expertise Service (Brussels, Belgium) and the Ministry of Economy and Reform of the Republic of Moldova, and funded by the European Commission under the TACIS project. Monthly issues are published in English and Romanian, and quarterly issues are published in English, Romanian and Russian.

See also the Web-sites:

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

Not available.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

The following statistical series are published in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics: The corresponding monthly series of average monthly earnings are published in the relevant tables of the Bulletin of Labour Statistics.

Other sources of data

A Quarterly survey on labour turnover collects data on the number of employees during the quarter, the number of new entrants and those leaving, employees on unpaid leave and those on short-time working schemes, the number of vacant posts, and the number of collaborators (multiple-job holders and persons working under an enterprise contract).

An Annual survey on the distribution of employees by levels of earnings (in September of each year) collects data on the number of employees (by category) by earnings ranges established by comparison with the minimum wage (from one to three times the minimum wage, from three to five times, etc. up to 30 times the minimum wage and over).

An Annual survey of occupational wages and hours of work was introduced in 1994. It covered health and education services. Since then, its coverage has been gradually extended to cover a number of manufacturing industries, railway transport, banks and insurance, forestry, administrations, etc. Selected occupations cover those listed in the ILO October Inquiry and additional occupations considered as important in the Moldavian economy, within 34 economic activities. Data are collected on average cash wage rates (basic wages) and normal/contractual hours of work, average cash earnings and hours actually worked of employees having worked full-time during the whole month of October, by sex. Occupations are classified according to the Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Moldova, elaborated by the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, which is based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88).

The results of this survey are published in Statistics on occupational wages and hours of work and on food prices - October Inquiry results, a special supplement to the ILO Bulletin of Labour Statistics.