Peru (2)

Title of the survey

Encuesta de Sueldos y Salarios en Lima Metropolitana (Survey of Wages and Salaries in the Metropolitan Lima)

Organization responsible

Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción Social, Dirección Nacional de Empleo y Formación Profesional, Sub-Dirección de Estudios de Empleo.

Periodicity of the survey

At two-monthly intervals, in February, April, June, August, October and December every year.

Objectives of the survey

To obtain information on the levels and trends in wages and salaries, hours of work, occupations and length of stay in the enterprises, shifts, coverage of collective bargaining, and individual characteristics of workers in private sector enterprises.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Employment, earnings and hours of work.

Reference period

Employment: the month. Earnings: the month (for salaried employees) and the week (for wage earners). Hours of work: the last week of the reference month (for wage earners).

Coverage of the survey


The metropolitan area of Lima (Province of Lima and Constitutional Province of Callao).


All branches of economic activity in the private sector.


Enterprises in the private sector with 10 or more workers, which submit their payrolls every year to the Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción Social.


Employees in the private sector registered on payrolls in the reference months. Working proprietors, unpaid family workers, home workers and certain categories of employees are excluded (see under Concepts and definitions: Employment).


The survey collects information by occupational group (executives, manual workers and non-manual workers) and for the specific occupations of the individual workers in a sub-sample.

Concepts and definitions


Employees include workers who are employed by an enterprise or employer and who receive wages or remuneration in return for the work they perform. They include persons temporarily absent from work because of vacation, paid leave, sickness or accident and other leave with pay, and commission agents, casual, temporary and seasonal workers, piece workers and workers on probation. The following are excluded: apprentices and trainees, part-time workers (working less than four hours a day), workers sub-contracted from other enterprises, retired workers, persons on unpaid leave or without wages or salary (because of suspension, labour dispute, sickness, accident, etc.). Employees are classified in three occupational categories: Detailed data are also collected on a sub-sample of individual workers on the payrolls, by sex, main occupation and length of service.


This refers to the total of earnings in cash paid to each occupational category, as recorded in the payrolls. Data are collected for the following components: Data are also collected separately on the total earnings (gross, before deductions) paid to workers who are on vacation during the reference period, by occupational category (and the corresponding number of workers). This total is included in the total gross earnings. In addition, detailed data are collected on the earnings of a subsample of individual workers on the payrolls, by sex, main occupation and length of service. Their gross earnings are broken down as follows:

Wage/salary rates

Not relevant.

Hours of work

Data are collected concerning: The survey covers only the hours actually worked by manual workers. For non-manual workers, the normal hours are eight per day for 30 calendar days (in recent times 22 working days have in fact been used). These are the hours laid down by a collective agreement and by the internal regulations of the enterprise.

International recommendations

The definition of earnings used in this survey includes all payments in cash recorded in the payrolls, whether regular or non-regular, excluding payments in kind. The definition of hours of work of manual workers conforms with the concept of hours actually worked contained in the international recommendations.



The International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities is employed. At present, a modified revision of ISIC, Rev. 3, 1990 is used; previously the ISIC, Rev. 2, 1968 was used.


The occupational classification for the census of america (COTA - 1970) is used, which is compatible with the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-68) at all levels.


The data are classified by sex, occupational category and occupational group (level of skill), and by size of enterprise, in four classes: 10 to 49 workers; 50 to 99; 100 to 499 and 500 workers and over.

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The reporting unit is the enterprise, including all branches or establishments located in Metropolitan Lima (branches in the provinces are not covered). At a second stage, the statistical unit is the individual worker in the enterprise selected.

Survey universe / sample frame

The sample frame is the file of copies of payrolls of enterprises in the private sector, submitted every year to the Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción Social. This file covers about 6,000 enterprises in Metropolitan Lima. It is brought up to date every year on the basis of enterprises registered in the national central labour register (RNCT) and the compulsory submission of payrolls summaries which takes place in June each year. The sample frame is brought up to date every three or four years.

Sample design

At the first stage, probability sampling with optimum allocation is used; this consists in the first place in ascertaining the values of the standard deviations in the universe. This is done by taking the average of earnings by occupational category and branch of activity (agriculture, mining, etc.). The universe is then stratified by sub-groups of activity and size. 604 enterprises were selected from the different strata with the following sampling fractions: At a second stage, workers are selected within each enterprise. Within each stratum a maximum number of workers was selected in accordance with the size of the enterprise: size group 1: 5 workers; size group 2: 10 workers; size group 3: 20 workers and size group 4: 25 workers; representing a total of 6,000 workers distributed over the various strata. Information is collected on these individually; in practice, the most important data from their pay slips. The sample is updated regularly with each month of the survey; enterprises which have not replied because of a change of some kind (difficulty in locating, gone into liquidation, change of economic activity, etc.) are not taken into account in the sample. The sample is renewed every three or four years.

Field work

Data collection

This takes place every two months, on the first days of the month following the reference month and in situ, with specialized interviewers and field supervisors extracting the data from the payrolls.

Survey questionnaire

The questionnaire contains:

Substitution of sampling units

Not relevant.

Data processing and editing

Data are processed by computer. Replies are coded; checking is carried out in the Review and Coding Unit by specialized personnel, and the data are processed by the computer office. The data are then checked by computer and by the staff responsible for verification. In cases of doubtful data the enterprises are contacted. Where the reference period reflects an abnormal situation (e.g. a strike), the survey is not applied if all workers are affected. If only the manual workers are involved, information is gathered on the non-manual workers only; and vice versa.

Types of estimates

Total employment by occupational category. Totals and averages of earnings and hours of work and distribution of workers by economic activity, size of enterprise and collective bargaining situation. In the estimates, only the earnings of non-manual workers and executives who have worked during the reference month (i.e. for more than 15 days) and of the manual workers who have worked during the reference week (more than three days or more than 24 hours) are taken into account. Two types of average earnings are calculated:

Construction of indices

Two indices are constructed: the index of nominal wages and salaries, which measures the evolution of earnings with reference to a base year (1979) and the index of real wages and salaries, which is deflated using the consumer price index.

Weighting of sample results

The number of manual and non-manual workers measured in the survey is multiplied by the reciprocal of the sampling fraction, to give an estimate for the universe.



Not relevant.

Other bias


Use of benchmark data

The data from the economic census carried out by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI) are used.

Seasonal variations

Not relevant.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

The sampling frame covers enterprises which forward copies of their payrolls every year to the Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción Social. It is estimated that about 70 per cent of the total population is covered.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not calculated.

Non-response rate

Normally about one per cent with regard to enterprises and workers. A rate of 0.8 per cent is generally considered normal.

Non-sampling errors

Not available.

Conformity with other sources

The results are compared with the data employees in the private sector from the survey of employment levels (households survey), which collects similar data and with the data of the economic census carried out by the INEI.

Available series

History of the survey

The Survey of Wages and Salaries in Metropolitan Lima has been carried out since 1958. Before 1986, the survey took place twice a year (in March and September) and covered enterprises with 10 or more workers, using a system of mailing and telephone calls. It covered a sample of approximately 2,300 enterprises, with an 80 per cent response rate. Agriculture, mining and electricity, gas and water were excluded. In 1986, major methodological changes were introduced, with a reduction of the sample, extension to all economic activities, collection of separate data for three occupational categories and selection of a subsample from individual workers. Data were collected through direct visits to the enterprises, and the questionnaires were modified regularly and new variables included. It is envisaged that, in the years to come, a new sample will be used and part of the questionnaire will be modified, particularly Section B, concerning data on individual workers.


Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción Social: Boletín de Sueldos y Salarios en Lima Metropolitana (six times a year, Lima). The results appear two months after the survey reference month. The results can also be obtained on request on diskettes which are IBM-PC compatible.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

Not available.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

in non-agricultural activities and in specific industries, are published in Tables 11 to 15 and 16 to 21 of the Yearbook of Labour Statistics. Data are also published on wage rates, earnings, normal hours of work and actual hours worked, by occupation and industry, in Statistics on occupational wages and hours of work and on food prices - October Inquiry results, a special supplement to the Bulletin of Labour Statistics.