
Title of the survey

Monthly and quarterly surveys of enterprises, establishments and organisations on labour issues.

Organization responsible

State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.

Periodicity of the survey

Monthly and quarterly.

Objectives of the survey

To monitor the changes occurring in the levels of employment and remuneration on the basis of hours worked.

Main labour topics covered by the survey

Monthly: employment, wage rates, earnings and hours of work;

Quarterly: employment, wage rates, earnings and hours of work by sex; distribution of employees by levels of wages and salaries, labour turnover and utilisation of working time.

Reference period

The month, for each variable.

Coverage of the survey


The whole country.


All branches of economic activity, except the armed forces and private households with employed persons.


Large and middle size enterprises, i.e. all those above a cut-off point determined for small size enterprises. This cut-off point varies between 10 and 50 employees, depending on the economic activity.


All employees.


Data are not collected by individual occupation.

Concepts and definitions


Employees encompass all persons who are registered by their main employment, whether permanent or temporary, on a full- or part-time basis. Included are working proprietors and directors who receive a salary, wage earners, salaried employees, apprentices, trainees, workers on probation, piece workers, commission agents, home workers and persons temporarily present on payroll, provided they are present on the payroll of the reference month.

Excluded are casual workers, contributing family workers and persons absent from work for military service.

Each month, data are collected on the total number of employees, without any other distinction.

Each quarter, employment data are collected by sex, and the following categories of workers are separately identified: temporary workers; part-time workers and employees temporarily absent from work for reasons such as paid or unpaid vacation or holiday, lay off, short-time working, industrial dispute, sickness or accident.


Data refer to gross monthly wages and salaries of employees, before deduction of employees' income and other taxes, contributions to social security and pension schemes, union dues and other employees' obligations.

Gross wages and salaries include ordinary time earnings, premium pay for overtime, night, shift or holiday work, incentive pay; commissions; housing, cost-of-living, transport and family allowances paid directly by the employer; remuneration for time not worked (annual leave, vacation, public holidays, other time off with pay, etc.); regular and irregular bonuses, premiums and wage supplements; the value of earnings in kind and profit-sharing bonuses (excluding dividends).

Each month, data are collected on (i) ordinary time earnings and (ii) all other components of earnings.

Each quarter, data are collected on earnings by sex and separate data are collected on the following components: remuneration for time not worked for annual leave, vacation, public holidays; other time off with pay; and social security payments and assistance in cash provided by the employer.

Quarterly, information is also collected on employees' income tax.

Wage / salary rates

They refer to the basic rates of pay for hours worked, work and services performed, as set in the unified rates and tariffs. They exclude cost-of-living allowances, other guaranteed and regularly paid allowances, family allowances and payments in kind.

Quarterly data are collected on the wage rates of all employees and separately, of employees engaged in basic activities (excluding subsidiary and servicing enterprises).

Hours of work

Hours actually worked comprise normal hours worked and paid for, and paid overtime hours, on which data are collected separately. They include time spent at the place of work on tasks such as the preparation of the workplace, repairs, maintenance, preparation and cleaning of tools and some inactive periods of time spent at the workplace (e.g. short rest periods).

Hours not worked because of vacation, sickness or accident, occupational injury or illness, stand by due to bad weather or economic reasons, civil responsibility, study leave, professional training, industrial disputes, trade unions and employers' organisations activities are separately identified.

Time corresponding to meal breaks, maternity or parental leave, military service, short-time working, disciplinary suspension and commuting time is excluded.

Data on hours of work are collected monthly. Each quarter, they are collected by sex, and data are reported on hours lost for economic reasons: e.g. lack of market for produced commodities, lack of raw materials, financial constraints, etc.

International recommendations

The definitions of basic wage rates, wages and salaries (earnings) and hours actually worked conform to the guidelines contained in the international recommendations.



Data are classified according to the Common Classifier of the National Economy Industries of Ukraine.


Not relevant.


Quarterly, data on employment and earnings are classified by sex, type of ownership, legal status and region, and data on hours actually worked are classified by sex and region.

Sample size and design

Statistical unit

The observation unit is the enterprise, organisation or establishment.

Survey universe / sample frame

This consists of the Unified State Register of enterprises, organisations and establishments, maintained by the State Statistics Committee. In the case of small size enterprises, the Register is updated on a permanent and continuous basis. The list of large and middle size enterprises is reviewed each year.

Sample design

The survey is based on a complete enumeration of enterprises within the scope of the survey.

Field work

Data collection

The survey is conducted by post; data are collected during the week which follows the reference month.

Survey questionnaire

Available in Ukrainian.

Substitution of sampling units

No substitution is applied in case of total non-response.

Data processing and editing

Data are processed and checked by computer. In case of missing or inconsistent data, respondents are contacted by telephone.

Types of estimates

Total number of employees (in terms of persons and in full-time equivalents);

Average wage rates for normal or usual hours of work;

Average monthly earnings; these are obtained by dividing the allocated wage fund (i.e. the total amount of wages and salaries) by the average number of employees during the reference month;

Average hours actually worked.

Aggregates and averages are computed for the month and for the period between the beginning of the year and the reference month.

Construction of indices

Index numbers are not constructed.

Weighting of sample results

Not relevant.




Other bias


Use of benchmark data


Seasonal variations

No adjustments are made for seasonal variations.

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the sampling frame

Not available.

Sampling error / sampling variance

Not relevant.

Non-response rate

Not available.

Non-sampling errors

Inaccuracies may occur because of incorrect responses or tabulations.

Conformity with other sources

Not relevant.

Available series

Published tables include average number of employees, wage rates, average monthly earnings and hours actually worked per month (since 1996), by economic activity. Average number of hours lost for economic reasons is compiled quarterly.

History of the survey

The survey was introduced in 1992. Questionnaires have undergone adjustments every year. A shift from complete enumeration to sample surveys will probably occur in the future.


State Statistics Committee: Ukraine Statistical Yearbook and Statistical Abstract Labour in Ukraine (annual, Kiev):

idem: Statistical Bulletin (quarterly, ibid.).

Each month, statistical reports on earnings are also produced.

Monthly data are released on the 21st of the following month. Quarterly data are published on the 15th of the month following the reference quarter.

Confidentiality / Reliability criteria

No data are published for individual enterprises.

Other information

Data supplied to the ILO for publication

The following data are published in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics:

Paid employment, by economic activity

Average monthly earnings of employees by economic activity and by sex, and in manufacturing, by industry group;

Average hours actually worked per month by economic activity (since 1996). (The data up to 1995 referred to average workdays per month - this series has been discontinued.)

Other sources of data

Certain years (e.g. in 1996 and 1997), the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine conducts a survey on wages and hours of work by occupation. The results have been published by the ILO in the 1997 and 1998 issues of Statistics on occupational wages and hours of work and on food prices - October Inquiry results, a special supplement to the ILO Bulletin of Labour Statistics.