
Title of the survey:

National Employment Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Empleo).

Organization responsible for the survey:

Planning and conduct of the survey:

Department of Household Statistics, National Statistical Institute (INE).

Analysis and publication of the results:

Department of Household Statistics, INE.

Topics covered:

Employment, unemployment, hours of work, income, industry, occupation, status in employment, educational level.

Coverage of the survey:


National coverage: urban, major urban centres, other urban areas, rural, region, province.

Population groups:

The entire population of the country living in private dwellings, excluding the resident population in communal dwellings such as hospitals, prisons, convents and barracks but including persons living in private dwellings within such centres. Excluded are population groups living in insular Chile (Easter Island and Juan Fernández Island) and persons living in areas that are remote for reasons of climate or topography or owing to the absence of roads and easy means of communication (representing 1 per cent of the total population).

Availability of estimates from other sources for the excluded areas/groups:

No information.

Groups covered by the survey but excluded from the published results:

No information.


Conduct of the survey:

Continuous and monthly.

Publication of results:


Reference periods:


One week (fixed).

Seeking work:

Two months (fixed).

Availability for work:

No information.

Concepts and definitions:


Included are persons who worked for one hour or more as paid employees (for wage, salary, daily rate, commission, payment in kind, etc.) or as employers or own-account workers for profit or gain, such as farmers or traders, or as unpaid family members who usually work for 15 hours or more per week.


Included are persons who during the reference were unemployed because they were:

out of work, i.e. they wanted to work and had taken steps to find work during the two months prior to the interview date, having previously worked in a regular job, or

seeking work for the first time, i.e. they wanted to work and had taken steps to find work during the two months prior to the interview date but have no job experience.

Questions are not asked about availability for work but are asked about time spent looking for work and measures to obtain work.


Time-related underemployment:

No information.

Inadequate employment situations:

No information.

Hours of work:

Usual weekly hours: These are the hours usually worked by the person in his or her main job or activity; such hours generally correspond to the work schedule that he or she is required to observe under an employment contract or agreement or regulations.

Actual weekly hours worked: These are the hours actually worked by the person in his or her main job or activity during the reference week, i.e. excluding hours not worked (vacation, leave or special leave) and including additional hours (overtime).

Employment-related income:

Income from paid employment:

Calculated net for all jobs performed by the person and covering the entire current active population. A reference period of one year is used.

Income from self-employment:

The income of all households and of the persons in them is obtained using a reference period of one year.

Informal sector:

No information.

Usual activity:

No information.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:

No information.

Population groups classified by industry:

Employed persons and unemployed persons.

Number of groups used for coding:

29 alphanumerics.

Links to ISIC:

ISIC Rev.2 and Rev.3.


Title of the classification:

No information.

Population groups classified by occupation:

Employed persons and unemployed persons.

Number of groups used for coding:

For coding, two digits are used but data are presented for ten occupational groups only.

Links to ISCO:

ISCO-88; links to the Occupational Classification for the Census of America of 1970 (COTA 70), revised for the 1982 Chilean Population Census programme.

Status in employment:

Title of the classification:

No information.

Population groups classified by status in employment:

Employed persons and unemployed persons.

Groups used for classification:

Employer or owner; own-account worker; self-employed person; private sector employee (clerical, manual, unskilled); public sector employee; live-in domestic service personnel; live-out domestic service personnel; unpaid family worker.

Links to ICSE:



Title of the classification:

No information.

Population groups classified by education:

Employed persons, unemployed persons and inactive persons.

Groups used for classification:

Kindergarten; elementary or primary; ordinary secondary; technical secondary; vocational; humanities; teacher training college; technical training centre; professional institute; university.

Links to ISCED:


Sample size and design:

Ultimate sampling unit:

Occupied private dwelling within the sections. The information or analysis unit is a person aged 15 years and over.

Sample size (ultimate sampling units):

37,326 dwellings distributed over 149 strata or geographical areas in 3,462 sections.

Overall sampling fraction:

1 per cent.

Sample frame:

Information recorded in the 1991 Pre-census and updated with data from the 1992 Population and Housing Census.

Updating of the sample:

The process is continuous, allowing for periodic incorporation of persons and households occupying new dwellings during the period and giving them a positive probability of being in the sample. Updating is also carried out for newly constructed buildings, enabling the original size of the sample to be maintained by dividing those sections which have increased by more than 300 per cent, thus ensuring the validity of the information collected.



The sample of first-stage units (sections) will remain fixed indefinitely. Second-stage units (dwellings) within each section will be retained for only six consecutive survey periods in urban areas and twelve in rural areas.

Percentage of units remaining in the sample for two consecutive survey rounds:

100 per cent.

Maximum number of interviews per sample unit:

Six or twelve.

Length of time for complete renewal of the sample:

One year and six months (urban part) and three years (rural part).

Field work:

Type of interview:

Personal pen-and-paper interviews.

Number of ultimate sampling units per sample area:

One sixth of urban sections and one half of rural sections remain in the sample every quarter.

Duration of field work:



Per sample area:

No information.

Survey organization:

Permanent staff.

Number of field staff:

88 interviewers and 14 supervisors.

Substitution of non-responding ultimate sampling units:


Estimation and adjustments:

Total non-response rate:

10 per cent.

Adjustment for total non-response:


Imputation for item non-response:


Adjustment for areas/population not covered:


Adjustment for undercoverage:


Adjustment for overcoverage:


Adjustment for seasonal variations:


History of the survey:

Title and date of the first survey:

1966 National Employment Survey (based on a national sample of households, designed using data from the 1960 National Population and Housing Census). Single publication (July-December 1966).

Significant changes or revisions:

In 1972 and 1973, no surveys were carried out at the national level owing to the country’s internal problems.

Documentation and dissemination:


Survey results:

Indicadores de empleo por sexo y grupos de edad (annual);Total nacional (January-March 1996 to October-December 2000); Indicadores de Empleo (monthly).

Survey methodology:

Metodología de la Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, 1996; Manual del Encuestador, 1998.


Time needed for initial release of survey results:

One month.

Advance information of public about date of initial release:


Availability of unpublished data upon request:


Availability of data in machine-readable form:

Publication, by magnetic media, of 43 tabulations generated on a monthly basis, by moving quarter (monthly), diskette, magnetic tape and the Internet.
