Title of the survey:
National Labor Force Survey.
Organization responsible for the survey:
Planning and conduct of the survey:
Central Statistical Authority.
Analysis and publication of the results:
Central Statistical Authority.
Topics covered:
Employment, unemployment, underemployment, hours of work, informal sector employment, duration of unemployment, industry, occupation, status in employment, educational level, and usual activity. Other topics covered: demographic variables on migration, ethnic group/religion, socio-economic and demographic characteristics of children aged 5-14 years, vocational/professional training.
Coverage of the survey:
Whole country. 10 years and over are interviewed.
Population groups:
All persons aged 10 years and over normally resident in the country. Excluded: unsettled populations, non-resident citizens, foreigners and persons residing abroad.
Availability of estimates from other sources for the excluded areas/groups:
Groups covered by the survey but excluded from the published results:
Conduct of the survey:
In 1981/82 and 1986/87.
Publication of results:
Reference periods:
One week (the last seven days) prior to the date of the interview
Seeking work:
Three months prior to the date of the interview.
Availability for work:
One month following the date of the interview. All periods are moving reference periods.
Concepts and definitions:
All persons aged 10 and over who were engaged in paid or self-employment during the last 7 days, performing some work (for at least 4 hours) for wages or salary, in cash or kind, or who were temporarily not at work but who had a formal job attachment.
It includes:
- persons temporarily absent due to illness or injury, vacation or annual leave, maternity or paternity leave, parental leave, educational or training leave, labour management disputes, bad weather, etc.;
- persons on unpaid leave initiated by the employer;
- full or part-time workers seeking other work;
- persons who performed some work for pay or profit during the reference week but were subject to compulsory schooling, were retired and receiving a pension, registered as job seekers at an employment office or receiving unemployment benefits;
- full or part-time students working part- or full-time;
- paid or unpaid apprentices and trainees;
- participants in employment promotion schemes, if paid;
- persons engaged in production of goods for own final use;
- members of the armed forces (volunteers, career and conscripts and civilian service equivalent to military service);
- unpaid family workers at work.
All persons aged 10 and over who were not engaged in paid or self-employment during the last7 days, who were available for a paid or self-employment job in a one month period from the date of interview, and who had been searching for a job by various steps (efforts) taken, in the last 3 months.
It includes:
- persons on temporary or indefinite lay-off without pay;
- persons who had made arrangements to start a new job or were trying to establish their own enterprise;
- retired persons and those receiving a pension;
- part-time students seeking full- or part-time work;
- unpaid family workers temporarily absent from work and seasonal workers during the off-season, if available for other work;
- persons not seeking work because no job was available on the market or suitable for their skills;
- persons doing unpaid, volunteer community or social service work.
Time-related underemployment:
Persons who, during the reference week, were employed but willing and available to work for more hours (additional hours) in the current job, in another job, or another full-time job up to the chosen threshold.
Inadequate employment situations:
Not applicable.
Hours of work:
Only actual hours worked in each day in all jobs during the last 7 days.
Employment-related income:
Income from paid employment:
Not applicable.
Income from self-employment:
Not applicable.
Informal sector:
Employment: 1. Whether their business enterprise (or enterprise they are working for) keeps a regular account of its transactions; 2. Whether the business enterprise has at least 10 workers; 3. Whether the enterprise has a licence or not. If persons fail to fit all 3 criteria with respect to the main job, they are classified in the informal sector.
Usual activity:
The survey has two questions, one concerning engagement in economic activity during the last 12 months; the other concerning reasons for not working during the last 12 months, which serve to classify persons into either unemployment or inactivity.
Branch of economic activity (industry):
Title of the classification:
Not available.
Population groups classified by industry:
Employed persons.
Number of groups used for coding:
Links to ISIC:
Title of the classification:
Not available.
Population groups classified by occupation:
Employed persons.
Number of groups used for coding:
Links to ISCO:
Status in employment:
Title of the classification:
Not available.
Population groups classified by status in employment:
Employed persons.
Groups used for classification:
Employers, employees (government, non-governmental, private, government developmental organization), own-account workers, unpaid family workers, apprentices, members of cooperative associations.
Links to ICSE:
Title of the classification:
Not available.
Population groups classified by education:
Employed and unemployed persons.
Groups used for classification:
a) Illiterate, b) Literate, c) Grade completed. The classification is expressed in terms of the highest grade completed and distinguishes the following levels: 1.Cannot read or write, 2.Non-formal education or grades 1 to 3, 3.Grades 4 to 6, 4.Grades 7 and 8, 5.Grades 9 to 11, 6.Grade 12, 7.Above grade 12.
Links to ISCED:
Sample size and design:
Ultimate sampling unit:
Sample size (ultimate sampling units):
35 households per enumeration area times 1,448 rural enumeration areas plus 913 urban enumeration areas, resulting in 82,635 households.
Overall sampling fraction:
Not available.
Sample frame:
List of enumeration areas prepared for the 1994 Census; for urban areas a fresh list of households was made, for rural areas, a list of households was prepared 6 months prior to the survey date.
Updating of the sample:
No rotation scheme.
Percentage of units remaining in the sample for two consecutive survey rounds:
Not applicable.
Maximum number of interviews per sample unit:
Not applicable.
Length of time for complete renewal of the sample:
Not applicable.
Field work:
Type of interview:
Personal interview.
Number of ultimate sampling units per sample area:
Duration of field work:
15-26 March 1999.
Per sample area:
Survey organization:
Permanent survey organization.
Number of field staff:
Interviewers are 1,654, supervisors are 343, trainers are 88. Total is 2,085 staff.
Substitution of non-responding ultimate sampling units:
Estimation and adjustments:
Total non-response rate:
Not available.
Adjustment for total non-response:
Imputation for item non-response:
Non-response cases are assigned the code 9 or 99 or 999 based on their respective column digits.
Adjustment for areas/population not covered:
Adjustment for undercoverage:
Adjustment for overcoverage:
Adjustment for seasonal variations:
History of the survey:
Title and date of the first survey:
The first Rural Labour Force Survey was conducted over the period April 1981 to April 1982. Another survey was conducted in 1987/88. This National Labour Force Survey was first conducted in March 1999.
Significant changes or revisions:
The type of questions asked are very similar to those of the Rural Labour Force Surveys.
Documentation and dissemination:
Survey results:
No information.
Survey methodology:
No information.
Time needed for initial release of survey results:
No information.
Advance information of public about date of initial release:
No information.
Availability of unpublished data upon request:
No information.
Availability of data in machine-readable form:
No information.