Morocco (1)

Title of the survey:

National Employment Survey (Enquête nationale sur l’emploi).

Organization responsible for the survey:

Planning and conduct of the survey:

Directorate of Statistics (Direction de la statistique).

Analysis and publication of the results:

Directorate of Statistics (Direction de la statistique).

Topics covered:

Employment, unemployment, underemployment, hours of work, wages, employment in the informal sector, duration of employment and unemployment, occasional workers, industry, occupation, status in employment, educational level, other jobs.

Coverage of the survey:


Whole country.

Population groups:

Persons aged 15 years. Excluded are persons living in collective households like military barracks, prisons, public work premises, etc.).

Availability of estimates from other sources for the excluded areas/groups:

Not applicable.

Groups covered by the survey but excluded from the published results:



Conduct of the survey:


Publication of results:

Quarterly and annually.

Reference periods:


One day.

Seeking work:

One day.

Availability for work:

Four weeks.

Concepts and definitions:


Persons aged 15 years and over who participated in the production of goods and services for at least one hour during the 24 hours that preceded the interview, and all persons who normally have a job but were temporarily absent from work.

The employed population also includes:

1.     persons temporarily absent from work owing to illness or accident, annual leave, maternity or paternity leave, educational or training within the enterprise for a period of less than two mounts with a guarantee of a return to work, labour disputes for a period of less than two months, bad weather, mechanical breakdown, etc.;

2.     persons temporarily laid-off without pay who kept a formal job attachment;

3.     full-time or part-time workers seeking other work during the reference period;

4.     persons who performed some work (for pay or profit) during the reference period but were subject to compulsory schooling, or were retired and receiving a pension, registered as job-seekers at an employment office and receiving unemployment benefit;

5.     full-time or part-time students working full or part time;

6.     paid and unpaid apprentices and trainees, if they participate in the firm’s production;

7.     unpaid family workers who were working during the reference period or were temporarily absent for a period of a less than two months but who kept a formal job attachment;

8.     persons engaged in the production of goods for final personal consumption;

9.     the armed forces (volunteers, career members and conscripts) and persons on civilian service equivalent to military service.


Persons aged 15 years and over who were without work, were available for work and were seeking for a job, including the discouraged workers.

The unemployed population also includes:

10.  persons temporarily absent from work owing to indefinite lay-off without pay or on unpaid leave initiated by the employer;

11.  persons without job and immediately available for work who had taken steps to work in a new job at a later data or to establish their own enterprise;

12.  persons without job and immediately available for work who were subject to compulsory schooling, or were retired and receiving a pension;

13.  full-time or part-time students seeking for a full or part time job;

14.  seasonal workers who do not work during the off-season and are not paid during this period.


Time-related underemployment:

Persons aged 15 years and over who worked less than 48 hours during the reference week and are available and willing to work additional hours.

Inadequate employment situations:

Persons aged 15 years and over who worked more than 48 hours during the reference week and are seeking another job or are willing to change the job for one of the following reasons:

(a)   the current job is inadequate to their education or qualifications;

(b)   the income from their current job is insufficient.

Hours of work:

Actual hours worked during the reference week.

Employment-related income:

Income from paid employment:

All cash earnings, payments in kind, including social security payments and other work-related benefits.

Income from self-employment:

Not measured.

Informal sector:

Not measured.

Usual activity:

No information.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:

National classification.

Population groups classified by industry:

Employed and unemployed (industry of the last job for the unemployed).

Number of groups used for coding:

17 main groups.

Links to ISIC:



Title of the classification:

National classification.

Population groups classified by occupation:

Employed and unemployed (occupation of the last job for the unemployed).

Number of groups used for coding:

11 main groups.

Links to ISCO:


Status in employment:

Title of the classification:

National classification.

Population groups classified by status in employment:

Employed and unemployed (status in employment of the last job held for the unemployed).

Groups used for coding:

Employees, own-account workers; employers, unpaid family workers, apprentices, partners in or members of cooperatives, persons on training schemes, others.

Links to ICSE:



Title of the classification:

National classification.

Population groups classified by education:

Employed and unemployed.

Groups used for coding:

Preschool, Quran school, primary school 1, primary school 2, secondary school, higher school, other.

Links to ISCED:

ISCED-1976 and ISCED-1997.

Sample size and design:

Ultimate sampling unit:


Sample size (ultimate sampling units):

48,000 households out of which 17,000 in rural areas.

Overall sampling fraction:


Sample frame:

Population and Housing Census 1994 (Recensement Général de la Population et de l’ Habitat de 1994-RGPH 1994).  The survey is based on a two-stage area sample design: the primary units consist of areas of approximately 600 households based on the cartographic maps from the RGPH; the primary units are divided into segments of 25 households.

Updating of the sample:

One-half of the sample is renewed annually.



Partial renewal of the sample.

Percentage of units remaining in the sample for two consecutive survey rounds:

50 per cent.

Maximum number of interviews per sample unit:


Length of time for complete renewal of the sample:

Two years.

Field work:

Type of interview:

Face-to-face interviews conducted using a paper questionnaire.

Number of ultimate sampling units per sample area:

No information.

Duration of field work:


One year.

Per sample area:

45 minutes per household.

Survey organization:

No information.

Number of field staff:

15 supervisors.

Substitution of non-responding ultimate sampling units:

No information.

Estimation and adjustments:

Total non-response rate:

12 per cent.

Adjustment for total non-response:


Imputation for item non-response:


Adjustment for areas/population not covered:


Adjustment for undercoverage:


Adjustment for overcoverage:


Adjustment for seasonal variations:


History of the survey:

Title and date of the first survey:

Permanent Employment Survey in the Urban Areas 1976 (Enquête permanente sur l’emploi en milieu urbain 1976).

Significant changes or revisions:

Revisions introduced with the population censuses in 1982 and 1994: modification of the sample frame/design, revision of the questionnaires, etc. The revisions have not resulted in any significant brakes in the historical series.

Documentation and dissemination:


Survey results:

Activity, employment and unemployment (quarterly); Activity, employment and unemployment: Summary Report (annually); Activity, employment and unemployment: Detailed Report (annually); Statistical Yearbook of Morocco.

Survey methodology:

Activity, employment and unemployment: Detailed Report (annually).


Time needed for initial release of survey results:

The quarterly results are published before the end of the 2nd month of the following quarter. Summary report is published in May of the following year.

Advance information of public about date of initial release:

No information.

Availability of unpublished data upon request:

Yes, if feasible.

Availability of data in machine-readable form:

Depending on the request.
