Title of the survey:
Labour Force Survey.
Organization responsible for the survey:
Planning and conduct of the survey:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.
Analysis and publication of the results:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.
Topics covered:
Employment, underemployment, unemployment, hours of work, informal sector, duration of unemployment, discouraged workers, occasional workers, industry, occupation, status in employment, educational level, second jobs.
Coverage of the survey:
Whole country.
Population groups:
All persons living in private households whose usual place of residence is in the territory of Slovenia, including persons temporarily absent (for less than six months). Excluded are the institutional population (e.g. military living in barracks) and persons temporarily or permanently living abroad. Children up to 15 years of age are asked only a few basic questions (name, sex, age, nationality).
Availability of estimates from other sources for the excluded areas/groups:
Not available.
Groups covered by the survey but excluded from the published results:
Not available.
Conduct of the survey:
Quarterly continuous survey.
Publication of results:
Quarterly and annual.
Reference periods:
Last week (moving reference period) Monday to Sunday.
Seeking work:
Past four weeks.
Availability for work:
Two weeks.
Concepts and definitions:
All persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed any work for payment (in cash or kind) or profit, including unpaid family workers and persons who were not working but had a job from which they were temporarily absent. The same applies to workers on lay-off (temporary or indefinite) and persons on maternity leave (12 months).
It includes:
- persons with a job but temporarily absent due to illness/injury, vacation/ annual leave, parental leave, unpaid leave initiated by the employer, educational or training leave, absence without leave, strike or dispute, temporary stoppages due to bad weather conditions, mechanical breakdown, shortage of raw materials or energy, etc.;
- full or part-time workers seeking other work;
- persons who performed some work for pay or profit during the reference week, while being subject to compulsory schooling, or retired and receiving a pension, or registered as job-seekers at an employment office or receiving unemployment benefits;
- full and part-time students working at least one hour in the reference week;
- paid apprentices and trainees;
- participants in employment promotion schemes;
- persons engaged in the production of goods or services for own consumption;
- volunteer and career members of the armed forces.
All persons aged 15 years and over who, during the reference week, did not work for payment, profit or family gain and were actively seeking work during the past four weeks, and were currently available for work within two weeks.
It includes:
- persons who took specific steps to set up their own business to begin within two weeks;
- persons who had made arrangements to start a new job within two weeks;
- full and part-time students seeking full or part-time work, compulsory school children and retired persons.
Time-related underemployment:
Persons who work less than 36 hours a week, wish to work more hours a week (through an additional job or through the present job or through another job working more hours than the present job) and are willing to start working more hours within the next two weeks.
Inadequate employment situations:
Not applicable.
Hours of work:
Hours usually worked (per week) including regular overtime. Hours actually worked (per week) relate to the main job performed during the reference week.
Employment-related income:
Income from paid employment:
Not applicable.
Income from self-employment:
Not applicable.
Informal sector:
Those workers who receive “cash in hand” for their economic activity.
Usual activity:
Not applicable.
Branch of economic activity (industry):
Title of the classification:
Not available.
Population groups classified by industry:
Employed persons.
Number of groups used for coding:
16 groups; coding at the 2-digit level.
Links to ISIC:
Title of the classification:
Not available.
Population groups classified by occupation:
Employed persons.
Number of groups used for coding:
Not available.
Links to ISCO:
Status in employment:
Title of the classification:
Not available.
Population groups classified by status in employment:
Employed persons.
Groups used for classification:
Twelve groups: Employee in an enterprise or organization, Employee - artisan, Employee - freelance, Employee - farmer, Works in own enterprise (self-employed), Artisan, Farmer, Freelance, Unpaid family worker, Contract workers - Type 1 and 2, Cash-in-hand worker (informal).
Links to ICSE:
Title of the classification:
Not available.
Population groups classified by education:
Employed and unemployed persons.
Groups used for classification:
Nine groups: Did not attend any school, Uncompleted Primary school, Primary school, One-two year Secondary (abridged curriculum), Two-three year Secondary, Fourfive year Secondary, Non-University degree, University degree, Postgraduate.
Links to ISCED:
ISCED-1997 with cross tables.
Sample size and design:
Ultimate sampling unit:
Sample size (ultimate sampling units):
Approximately 7,000 households (and 19,000 responding individuals).
Overall sampling fraction:
Approximately one per cent of the population.
Sample frame:
The LFS sample is built on the basis of the population register, from which each quarter a list of adult persons is created. Members of the household living at the address of the selected persons are interviewed.
Updating of the sample:
Each quarter approximately 2,000 new households are selected.
Rotating panel survey conducted continuously throughout the whole calendar year.
The rotation sample is designed on the 3-(1)-2 pattern. Thus households are interviewed for three consecutive quarters, excluded for one quarter then return for another two consecutive quarters before falling out of the sample definitively.
Percentage of units remaining in the sample for two consecutive survey rounds:
60 per cent.
Maximum number of interviews per sample unit:
Five times.
Length of time for complete renewal of the sample:
Eighteen months.
Field work:
Type of interview:
A mixture of face to face using paper and pencil, computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI) using laptops and telephone interviews.
Number of ultimate sampling units per sample area:
Approximately 28,000 households per year.
Duration of field work:
The whole year.
Per sample area:
Not applicable.
Survey organization:
A permanent survey organization exists.
Number of field staff:
Approximately 55.
Substitution of non-responding ultimate sampling units:
Estimation and adjustments:
Total non-response rate:
11.2 per cent (refusal rate is 7.4%). In the panel part of the sample, the overall non-response rate is 8.9%; among households interviewed by telephone 9.4%, face-to-face 5%.
Adjustment for total non-response:
Imputation for item non-response:
Yes, using the Hot-deck method - use data from previous interview; if not available, data from a similar person (by sex, age and education).
Adjustment for areas/population not covered:
Adjustment for undercoverage:
Adjustment for overcoverage:
Adjustment for seasonal variations:
History of the survey:
Title and date of the first survey:
Labour Force Survey, 1993.
Significant changes or revisions:
None. The questionnaire was changed in 1995 and in 1997 with no significant breaks in time series.
Documentation and dissemination:
Survey results:
Labour Force Survey: Results; Labour Force Survey: Rapid Results; Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia, Monthly Statistical Review; CESTAT Bulletin. (monthly, quarterly and annual).
Survey methodology:
Time needed for initial release of survey results:
Approximately one quarter.
Advance information of public about date of initial release:
Availability of unpublished data upon request:
Availability of data in machine-readable form:
Yes on diskette and by email.