
1. Starting year:


2. Agency

2.1. English name of agency making initial registration

Labour Offices

2.2. Service

This is a public service under a national authority

2.3. Offices

36 local offices are making the registrations

2.4. Location

Offices are located in major urban areas only

3. The agency

3.1. Assists job seekers to find jobs

3.2. Assists employers to find workers

3.3. Provides vocational guidance

3.5. Pays unemployment compensation

3.6. Provides other employment related services, such as placing persons in public works projects

4. The following is registered about a person:

4.1. Name

4.2. Sex

4.4. Address of usual residence

4.5. Locality of usual residence

4.6. Year of birth

4.7. Citizenship

4.9. Educational attainment/training, with 3 distinguished categories

4.10. Current and past work situation, with 3 distinguished situations

4.11. Occupation, with 10 distinguished categories. Links to ISCO-88 major groups

4.12. Name and address of present/previous employer/work place

4.12.b. Industry of present/previous employer/work place, with a non specified number of distinguished categories; without links to ISIC, rev.3 or NACE, rev.1

5. Criteria used for registration and inclusion in the statistics:

5.1. Criteria used to determine whether a person should be included in the register

1. Age:
Lower age limit: 17 years. Upper age limits: 55 years (females) and 60 years (males)

2. Citizenship

5.2. Criteria used to determine whether a person should be removed from the register

1. Report about death and/or migration

2. Report about entering new job and/or military service

3. After 12 weeks without contact

4. If the person has refused a number of different job offers

5. That the person is no longer eligible for unemployment compensation

5.3. Criteria used to exclude a registered person from the statistics

1. That the person is employed

2. That the person is receiving full-time training/education

6. Information about individuals is stored:

6.1. In the local register

7. Type of statistics produced at least once every year:

A. The number of persons registered as unemployed on a particular day, is produced monthly

B. The number of persons added to the register during the period, is produced monthly

C. The number of persons removed from the register during the period, is produced monthly

D. The number of registered persons who were given a job during the period, is produced monthly

E. The number of persons who returned to the register during the period, is produced monthly

8. The following descriptive variables are used with the different statistics:

8.1. Sex

B, C, D, E

8.2. Age

B, C, D, E

8.3. Educational attainment

B, C, D, E

8.4. Occupation

B, C, D, E

8.5. Industry

B, C, D, E

8.6. Duration of unemployment spell

C, D, E

9. Publication practices

9.1. Statistics

3. On paper,
for general audience: A, B, C, D, E

9.2. Methodological information

Methodological information is published on paper, for a general audience.

10. Comparisons

Comparisons are regularly made with statistics from household surveys. References have not been given.

11. Major changes

Major changes in legislation or administrative capacity and/or procedures took place in 1992, 1993 and 1997. The first two resulted in an increase in the number of registered unemployed persons by 200% and 35% respectively.