Côte d'Ivoire

Title of the series

Jobseekers at End of Month.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


General level

This series was published up to 1986.

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics

This series is not published in the Bulletin.

Organisation responsible for the series

Employment Directorate, Ministry of Labour (Direction de l'emploi, ministère du Travail).


The series on jobseekers covers the whole country, through five branch offices of the Côte d'Ivoire Manpower Office (Office de la main-d'oeuvre) at Abidjan, and 12 employment offices throughout the rest of the country. It covers all national jobseekers registered at the employment offices. The minimum age for registration is 14 years in principle (although 12 years for light work and 18 years for dangerous work). The maximum age limit is 55 years.


The series is quarterly and has been available since the fourth quarter of 1980.


Unemployment: Jobseekers are considered to be all persons seeking work who are registered at the Côte d'Ivoire Manpower Office (OMOCI), who accept the registration and maintenance requirements (in particular, upon registration persons who have worked previously must present a work certificate stating that they are free of all commitments towards their former employer).

In particular, the following categories are considered as jobseekers: persons seeking temporary or part-time work; first jobseekers and persons wishing to re-enter the workforce; persons with some form of minimal employment (although in practice these persons do not state that they already have such employment); and employable disabled persons. Responsibility for the loss of the last job does not affect registration as a jobseeker.

Not considered as jobseekers are: students seeking temporary employment (during vacations); persons receiving invalidity benefits and retirement or other pensions; persons on temporary or indefinite lay-off (unless they can furnish the work certificate of availability mentioned above); and persons on strike.

Registration: Registration with the Manpower Office is mandatory for all jobseekers as responsibility for placing workers in the private sector lies with this state body. In practice, however, not all unemployed persons are dealt with by OMOCI and some find jobs without making use of its services. In such cases the employer is required to regularise the status of the jobseeker who has been engaged. Register maintenance is monthly, and jobseekers must present themselves at OMOCI to have their registration card stamped on the date indicated on it. Registration with the OMOCI is not connected with the receipt of benefits.

Deletion from the register: The following are deleted from the register of OMOCI and consequently excluded from the statistics on jobseekers: jobseekers who refuse to fulfill the monthly maintenance requirements and those who reject a job offer that is considered to correspond to their occupational profile; participants in State-assisted employment training schemes (upgrading, retraining, etc.) which lead in principle to a permanent job, as well as jobseekers who refuse to participate in such schemes; and jobseekers who commit fraud (make false statements). Jobseekers temporarily unavailable owing to illness, accident, leave, holidays, etc., are not deleted from the register unless they fail to present themselves for maintenance purposes on the required date. Participation in job creation measures does not imply the deletion of the jobseekers until productive, gainful work has begun. Refusal to participate in such measures does not lead to the deletion of jobseekers.

Reference period

The series represents the stock of jobseekers who have not been placed or deleted from the register at the end of the month.

Data collection and evaluation

The register of jobseekers is constantly under review with registrations and placements being recorded on a day-to-day basis. A control is carried out each month when the monthly statistics are collected, and deletion for reasons other than placement takes place monthly at the time of the control. The statistics on jobseekers thus show: (a) the monthly flows of registrations, placements and deletions, and (b) the stock at the end of the month of jobseekers who have not been placed or deleted. (In ILO publications the data refer to the stock of jobseekers at the end of the month.)

No statistical evaluation of these data is performed because the series does not cover all unemployed in the country and due to a lack of certain basic information.

Unemployment rate

Unemployment rates are not calculated from this series.

Changes in the series



Ministère du Travail, Direction de l'emploi: "Bulletin des Statistiques du Travail" (quarterly) (Abidjan, 1986). This Bulletin is available from the fourth quarter of 1984 to the third quarter of 1986; the issue for each quarter contains the statistics for that quarter.

idem: "Annuaire des Statistiques du Travail" (Abidjan, 1985). The Year Book is available from 1982. Each edition contains data for the same year.