


The Notes de conjoncture (circumstantial notes) grouping requests, offers and placements (situation of the employment market).

Starting year:


2.Agency making the initial registrations of unemployed persons

Name of the agency:

Agence nationale de l’Emploi
  • ANEM (National Employment Agency).

    Type of agency:

    Public service under a national authority.

    Name of the national authority:

    Ministry of Employment and National Solidarity.

    Location of the local offices making the registrations:

    In each district (165 local agencies and 11 regional agencies all over the country).

    Type of services provided/administered by the agency:

  • Assisting job-seekers to find jobs;
  • Assisting employers to find workers;
  • Vocational guidance;
  • Other: registration of unemployed persons laid off for economic reasons, and registration of higher education graduates seeking employment satisfying the criteria for pre-employment contracts.

    3.The following information is registered about a person:

  • Name;
  • Sex;
  • Address of usual residence;
  • Date of birth;
  • Nationality;
  • Educational/vocational attainment, with six categories distinguished. Links to ISCED have not been established;
  • Current/past activity status, with two categories distinguished;
  • Type of work of past or present job with 20 categories distinguished. Links to ISCO-88 have not been established;
  • Type of work of job sought, with 20 categories distinguished;
  • Name and address of present or previous employer or work place;
  • Type of business of present or previous employer or workplace, with 22 categories distinguished. Links to ISIC, rev.3 have not been established;
  • Previous inscriptions/registrations with the agency;
  • Situation as to national military service.

    4.Criteria used for inclusion of a person in the registers (R) and/or the statistics of unemployed persons (S):

  • Being without work (R) and (S);
  • Seeking work (R) and (S);
  • Availability for work (R) and (S);
  • Age: lower limit: 16 years; upper limit: 60 years (R) and (S);
  • Being resident in the country (R) and (S).

    5.Criteria used for exclusion of a person from the registers (R) and/or the statistics of unemployed persons (S):

  • Death (R) and (S);
  • Taking up residency abroad (R) and (S);
  • Commencement of a (new) job (R) and (S);
  • Commencement of military service (R) and (S);
  • Participation in an employment promotion scheme, a public works programme, etc. (R) and (S);
  • Eligibility to receive a pension (retirement benefits, etc.) (R) and (S);
  • Inability to work (R) and (S).

    6.Definition of unemployed persons used for the statistics

    The unemployed population includes all persons legally able (16 - 60 years) to work, who have declared that they are unemployed, are looking for a job and registered with a local employment agency. Two categories of registered persons are distinguished: category STR1 comprising the persons who have already worked, and category STR2 comprising the persons who have never worked before.

    7.Updating of the registers

    The registers are updated regularly.

    8.Unemployment rates

    Statistics from the registers are not used to obtain unemployment rates. The unemployment rates are produced by the national statistics office (ONS) and are based essentially on the household labour force survey and the population census.

    9.Type of statistics of unemployed persons produced

    Frequency of production:


    Descriptive variables used:

  • Sex;
  • Age;
  • Educational level;
  • Occupation;
  • Industry;
  • Previous work experience.

    Form of publication:

    On paper, for limited audience.

    Agency responsible for publication:


    Title and periodicity of the publication:

    Note de conjoncture sur la situation du marché de l’emploi (Circumstantial note on the situation of the labour market), quarterly.

    10.Methodological information about the statistics

    Form of release:

  • Available for internal use;
  • On paper, for limited audience.

    Agency responsible for the release:


    11.Comparisons with unemployment statistics from other sources

    Comparisons have not been made with unemployment statistics from other sources.

    12.Major changes since the start of the statistics

    There have been no major changes in legislation, capacity of the agency and/or administrative procedures which had a significant influence on the statistics.

    13. Additional remarks

    The statistical data of the ANEM only concern persons seeking employment who have registered with this Agency: unemployment statistics fall under the responsibility of the ONS.