
Title of the series

Monthly Unemployment Returns.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


General level

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics


General level

Organisation responsible for the series

Department of Labour and Social Security.


The data from this series cover the whole country which is serviced through one Central Employment Exchange, an office of the Department of Labour. All persons 15 to under 65 years of age may register as seeking employment. From 1977 to 1980 classification by unemployed previously employed and unemployed not previously employed was available.


The series is monthly and started in 1970. Up to 1976 only data for the total registered unemployed were available. Since 1977 data by sex also exist.


Unemployment: All persons who are registered as seeking employment, who are deemed to be able and willing to do any suitable work and who are available for work.

Included in the series are persons seeking temporary or part-time work, which also covers students seeking temporary employment during vacations; first jobseekers and re-entrants to the workforce; persons responsible for the loss of their last job; and employable disabled persons (invalidity benefits do not exist). Persons with some form of minimal employment seeking other work are allowed to remain on the register, and are thus included as well.

Excluded from the series are retirement or other pensioners; persons on temporary or indefinite lay-off without pay and persons on strike.

Registration: Means to voluntarily register by personal attendance at the Central Employment Exchange as seeking employment. In order to receive unemployment benefits however registration is obligatory. Registration maintenance requires personal attendance once a week if in receipt of unemployment benefits or once a month otherwise.

Deletion from the register: Persons are deleted from the register and thus automatically from the unemployment statistics for refusal to fulfil the register maintenance requirements.

The temporary inability to work due to illness, accident or holidays does not cause deletion from the register, however unemployment benefits are not payable to persons while they are unavailable for work. Similarly the rejection of job offers while not causing deletion may lead to loss of unemployment benefit. Fraud does not cause deletion from the register.

Reference period

The last working day of each month. The data are compiled one week after the actual count of the unemployed.

Data collection and evaluation

The Central Employment Exchange carries out monthly administrative controls to the register. No statistical evaluation of the data is performed.

Unemployment rate

Unemployment rates are not computed for this series.

Changes in the series

Not applicable.


No publications have been issued.