
Title of the series

Registered Unemployment.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


General level
By sex and age group
Unemployed by work experience - by occupation (major groups)

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics

This series is not published in the Bulletin.

Organisation responsible for the series

Division of Data Collecting and Processing, Bureau of Planning, Department of Manpower.


The data from this series cover the whole country, based on reports from the 27 regional offices of the Department of Manpower. The minimum age limit is 10 years and the maximum age limit is 56 years for both men and women. Persons from all categories are covered, including foreigners living in Indonesia. The data cover the public and private sectors, and classification by occupation according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-1968) is made.


The series is monthly and started in 1977.


Unemployment: Any person of 10 years old and above who is seeking a job through the Department of Manpower and who is registered by a district office.

Persons seeking temporary work; first jobseekers and re-entrants to the workforce; employable disabled persons; persons receiving invalidity benefits and persons in other employment are also included in the series.

Registration: Persons may voluntarily request registration by the district office which lasts for a period of three months. In order to maintain their registration they must renew it on expiration of every period. They may also be called in by request of the employment office.

Deletion from the register: Takes place in the case of temporary inability to work due to illness, accident, holidays etc., and when a person has not re-registered after three months. Such deletion automatically leads to the exclusion of the person from the unemployment statistics.

Reference period

Not available.

Data collection and evaluation

Reports from the regional offices are sent to the Bureau of Planning for processing and controls to the register.

No statistical evaluation is performed.

Unemployment rate

Unemployment rates are not computed for this series.

Changes in the series

Not available.


Department of Manpower: "Year Book of Manpower Statistics" (annual) (Jakarta, Indonesia).

idem: "Statistical Year Book of Indonesia" (annual) (ibid., 1986). Each issue contains data for the preceding year.