Introduction – Part I

The methodological descriptions presented in this Part relate to national unemployment statistics derived from administrative registrations. Many of the corresponding statistical series are published by the ILO in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics and/or in the Bulletin of Labour Statistics, as well as being made available on its website (

The 96 descriptions covering 94 countries, areas or territories included in this Part were prepared on the basis of information provided mainly by national employment services in response to a special questionnaire. In order to facilitate comparisons each description follows the same format presenting information under twelve sections with standard headings. However, it should be borne in mind that statistics from administrative records are not strictly comparable between countries, due to differences in relevant legislation and administrative capacities.

Under the different sections information can be found on: the title and starting year of the series; the national institution making the registrations; the specific information which is registered about a person; the criteria used to determine whether or not a person will be registered as unemployed; the definition of unemployed persons used for the statistics; the frequency with which the registers are updated; whether statistics from the registers are used to obtain unemployment rates; the type of statistics of unemployed persons produced and the availability of methodological information on the statistics; whether comparisons have been made with unemployment statistics from other sources, as well as the effect on the statistics of any major changes which may have taken place since their inception.

Classifications referred to in the descriptions:

  • ISCO-88: International Standard Classification of Occupations, 1988 (International Labour Office, Geneva, 1990);
  • ISIC, rev. 3: International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (United Nations, New York, 1989);
  • NACE, rev. 1: Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (Eurostat, Luxembourg, 1996);
  • ISCED-97: International Standard Classification of Education (UNESCO, Paris, 1997).

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