Part One: Registered Unemployment

Title of the series

This heading refers to the title of the statistical series, in the original language or in translation.

List of tables published by the ILO

Under this heading is the list of tables in the Year Book and Bulletin of Labour Statistics which contain registered unemployment series for the country under consideration. The tables are identified by chapter, number and title, and refer to the 1986 edition of the Year Book or the 1987 quarterly issues of the Bulletin. Occasional reference is made to the 1987 or available 1988 editions of these publications, respectively.

Organisation responsible for the series

This heading refers to the organisation responsible for data collection, statistical processing and publication of the data. Where these functions are undertaken by separate agencies, they have been specified.


This heading describes the geographical coverage of the series (whole country or parts thereof) and the number of employment offices servicing the covered territory. It also specifies the age limits and types of persons covered.


This heading refers to the frequency of availability of the data, the starting date of the series and any changes in frequency which may have taken place.


Under this heading definitions are given of the national concept of registered unemployment and of the conditions of registration and deletion from the register as applied to the statistical series. Registered unemployment will generally refer to persons who are without work, available for work and who are seeking work by fulfilling certain conditions of registration through an employment office, which may or may not be linked to national insurance benefits.

The inclusion or exclusion of specific categories of jobseekers according to the type or duration of employment sought, the inclusion or exclusion of already employed people seeking other work and, in general, the conditions which determine inclusion or exclusion from the register are indicated following the basic definition of registered unemployment.

Reference period

This heading refers to the specific date or period (e.g. day, month, quarter of the year) on which the actual count of the unemployed is made. Indication of the time lapse between the count and final compilation of the data is given where possible.

Data collection and evaluation

Under this heading the procedures used to collect the data (e.g. processing employment office reports), the type and frequency of administrative controls made to the unemployment registers and eventual statistical evaluations performed on the data are described.

Unemployment rate

This heading describes how the registered unemployment rate is computed, specifying in particular the source(s) and frequency of data used for the denominator (e.g. estimates of the labour force, employers' surveys, population censuses).

Changes in the series

Under this heading information is given on the dates and nature of major changes or revisions in the global definition, modes of registration, coverage or other procedures of the series.


This heading provides the source and title of major national publications in which the statistical series appears. It also indicates the dates of the latest issues available when preparing this publication and of the data contained therein, as well as the lapse of time between compilation and publication of the data. Where possible, references to national publications providing methodological details are also included.

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