
Title of the series

Employment Exchange Statistics.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


General level

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics


General level

Organisation responsible for the series

Provincial Directorates of Manpower and Training.


The series covers the whole country, except the Federally Administered Tribal Area, the Northern Areas and the Protected Areas of the Northwest Frontier Province. It includes 38 employment offices and covers all persons 18 to 60 years of age.


The series is monthly. In ILO publications it is available since 1971.


Unemployment: The series includes all persons who during the reference week were either looking for work, or not looking for work because of illness or belief there was no work available. It includes those temporarily or indefinitely laid-off; those waiting to report to a new job; those willing to work if a job were provided; and apprentices with no guaranteed job. The series also includes persons with a job during the reference week looking for a better job, persons seeking temporary work (except students seeking work during vacations), first time jobseekers and re-entrants to the labour force, retired or other pensioners, disabled persons (except if receiving invalidity benefits), and persons responsible for the loss of their last job.

Persons seeking part-time work and persons on strike are excluded from the register.

Registration: Registration at employment exchange offices is voluntary; the frequency of attendance at these offices is not regular as no financial benefits are provided to the unemployed; they are informed by mail when a job is available for them.

Deletion from the register: Persons are deleted from the register and also from the statistics of unemployment, if they have found work, left the employment exchange area, failed to respond to a job offer, or committed fraud.

Reference period

The data are generally compiled three months after the reference period.

Data collection and evaluation

No administrative controls are made on the register. No administrative adjustments or estimations are carried out on the data.

Unemployment rate

Not applicable.

Changes in the series

Not available.


Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division: "Monthly Statistical Bulletin" (Islamabad, 1988). The lapse of time between the compilation of the series and its publication is approximately six months.

idem: "Pakistan Statistical Yearbook" (Islamabad, 1987). Each issue contains data for the preceding year.