Saint Pierre and Miquelon



Monthly employment survey.

Starting year:


2.Agency making the initial registrations of unemployed persons

Name of the agency:

Agence nationale pour l’Emploi - ANPE (National Employment Agency).

Type of agency:

Public service under a national authority.

Name of the national authority:

Ministry in charge of Labour and Employment.

Location of the local offices making the registrations:

There is one permanent operational point on the island of St. Pierre and Miquelon.

Type of services provided/administered by the agency:

  • Assisting job-seekers to find jobs;
  • Assisting employers to find workers;
  • Vocational guidance;
  • Job-related training.

    Percentage of job-seekers seeking work through the agency:

    All job-seekers up to 57 years of age are required to respond to requests from the ANPE: interviews, making contacts, proposals of assistance, etc. (persons over 57 years are not required to seek work).

    3.The following information is registered about a person:

  • Name;
  • Sex;
  • Social security number (or similar identification number also used by other agencies);
  • Address of usual residence;
  • Date of birth;
  • Citizenship;
  • Nationality;
  • Vocational attainment, with six categories distinguished. Links to ISCED have not been established;
  • Current/past activity status;
  • Type of work of past or present job with 61 categories distinguished (operational manual of occupations). Links to ISCO have not been established;
  • Qualifications.

    4.Criteria used for inclusion of a person in the registers (R) and/or the statistics of unemployed persons (S):

  • Being without work (R) and (S);
  • Seeking work (R) and (S);
  • Availability for work (R) and (S);
  • Age (lower limit: 16 years; upper limit: 57 years) (R) and (S);
  • Citizenship (R) and (S);
  • Being resident in the country or in possession of a residence permit (R) and (S).

    Desired duration of employment and/or number of hours of work sought: persons seeking part-time employment (of 16 hours minimum per week) are registered in Category 2 of the definitions given under point 6 below.

    5.Criteria used for exclusion of a person from the registers (R) and/or the statistics of unemployed persons (S):

  • Death (R) and (S);
  • Taking up residency abroad (R) and (S);
  • Commencement of a (new) job (R) and (S). However, it is possible to combine part-time activities and registration as a job seeker (transfer to Categories 6, 7 or 8 of point 6);
  • Participation in an employment promotion scheme, public works programme, etc.(R) and (S);
  • Studying or undergoing training (transfer to Category 4 of point 6);
  • Failure to contact the agency, refusal to appear following a summoning (R) and (S);
  • Refusal of suitable job offers (R) and (S);
  • Refusal of suitable training offers (R) and (S);
  • Inability to work, periods of sickness (R) and (S), transfer to Category 5 of point 6.

    6.Definition of unemployed persons used for the statistics

    Category 1: Unemployed persons, immediately available for work according to Article R.311-3-3, required to actively look for employment, looking for full-time employment of unspecified duration.

    These persons should not have carried out any casual activity or a reduced activity of more than 78 hours during the month in question.

    Category 2: Unemployed persons, immediately available for work according to Article R.311-3-3, required to actively look for employment, looking for part-time employment of unspecified duration.

    These persons should not have carried out any casual activity or a reduced activity of more than 78 hours during the month in question.

    Category 3: Unemployed persons, immediately available for work according to Article R.311-3-3, required to actively look for employment, looking for temporary or seasonal employment of specified duration, including very brief duration.

    These persons should not have carried out any casual or a reduced activity of more than 78 hours during the month in question.

    Category 4: Unemployed persons, not immediately available for work, looking for employment.

    Category 5: Employed persons, looking for another job.

    Category 6: Persons not immediately available for work according to Article R.311-3-3 (1), required to actively look for employment, looking for another job, full-time of unspecified duration.

    These persons will have carried out a casual or reduced activity of more than 78 hours during the month in question.

    Category 7: Persons not immediately available for work according to Article R.311-3-3 (1), required to actively look for employment, looking for another job, part-time of unspecified duration. These persons will have carried out a casual or reduced activity of more than 78 hours during the month in question.

    Category 8: Persons not immediately available for work according to Article R.311-3-3 (1), required to actively look for employment, looking for another job, temporary or seasonal of specified duration, including of very short duration.

    These persons will have carried out a casual or reduced activity of more than 78 hours during the month in question.

    7.Updating of the registers

    The registers are updated monthly.

    8.Unemployment rates

    Statistics from the registers are used to obtain unemployment rates. The source of data on employed persons who are part of the denominator of the unemployment rates is the population census.

    9.Type of statistics of unemployed persons produced

    Reference period:


    Frequency of production:


    Descriptive variables used:

  • Sex;
  • Age;
  • Educational level;
  • Occupation sought;
  • Duration of unemployment.

    Form of publication:

    For the use of State services, elected representatives and economic and social organisations. The Aperçu mensuel (Monthly Review) is presented by local radios and partially published in the local written press.

    Agency responsible for publication:

    Department of Labour and Employment and Vocational Training: aggregation of data provided by the ANPE with series related to employment policy, as well as comments.

    10.Methodological information about the statistics

    Only Category 1 (see point 6) is used as a basis for the statistics. Comments may incorporate data relating to other categories, if they are significant.

    Form of release:

    Through the comments of the Aperçu mensuel.

    Agency responsible for the release:

    Service of Labour and Employment and Vocational Training.

    11.Comparisons with unemployment statistics from other sources

    Comparisons have been made with unemployment statistics from the general population census.

    Frequency of the comparisons:

    Mainly when the census data are first released.

    Publication of the methodology/results of the comparisons:

    Through the comments in the Aperçu mensuel.

    12.Major changes since the start of the statistics

    Major changes in legislation, capacity of the agency and/or administrative procedures took place in 1995: end of physical clocking in; computerization of the ANPE; and exploitation of the data on long-term unemployment for the adjustment of the employment policy and insertion tools.