Sierra Leone

Title of the series

Employment Office and Maritime Pool Statistics.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


General level
Unemployed by work experience - by occupation (major groups)

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics


General level

Organisation responsible for the series

Not available.


The series derived from employment office records covers all persons aged 12 years and over with the exclusion of seamen, while the series derived from the Maritime Pool records covers all persons aged 12 years and over awaiting sea-going employment only.


The series are monthly.


Unemployment: For the employment office series, the definition consists of all persons aged 12 years and over (excluding seamen) who are registered as unemployed and seeking work at employment offices. This includes persons seeking their first job, those temporarily laid off and those persons seeking to re-enter the labour force after a period of voluntary inactivity. Also counted as unemployed are employed persons registered for the purpose of seeking more remunerative or regular employment.

For the Maritime Pool series, the definition consists of all applicants for work aged 12 years and over who are registered as unemployed at the Maritime Pool for the purpose of seeking sea-going employment, including those persons who, having returned from sea, must remain ashore for a period of three weeks before being eligible for another voyage (during which time they are usually engaged in casual employment).

Registration: Registration is voluntary.

Deletion from the register: The registration cards of persons who fail to report to the employment offices at least once a month and those who have found work, are deleted from the register. Persons registered with the Maritime Pool who remain unemployed for more than 12 months are excluded from their records.

Reference period

The end of the last complete calendar week of the month.

Data collection and evaluation

Monthly data are computed on the basis of the live register figures for the end of the last complete calendar week of the month.

Unemployment rate

No unemployment rates are calculated from these series.

Changes in the series

Not available.


The data from these series were formerly published in:

Government Printing Department: "The Sierra Leone Gazette" (weekly) (Freetown).