
Title of the series

Annual Report on Labour Statistics.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


General level

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics

This series is annual and therefore not published in the Bulletin.

Organisation responsible for the series

The Labour Statistics Service (Service des statistiques du Travail), of the Directorate of Labour and Social Security (direction du Travail et de la Sécurité sociale), Ministry for the Civil Service, Employment and Labour (ministère de la Fonction publique, de l'Emploi et du Travail) processes the data collected by the Dakar Manpower Service (Service de la Main-d'oeuvre - SMO) and is in charge of data compilation.


The data from this series cover the Dakar area only, through eight offices of the Manpower Service and all persons from 14 to 55 years of age, whether Senegalese nationals or foreign residents, who come to the Dakar Manpower Service in search of paid employment in the private or semi-private sectors. The series represents the total number of job applications received by the SMO in the course of a calendar year, classified by sex.


Annual. The series compiled by the Labour Statistics Service has been available since 1983. Before then, only the total number of job applicants was recorded.


Unemployment: Persons considered as jobseekers are all those entered on the registers of the employment offices, whether or not they had worked before as employees, employers or apprentices. This definition comprises:

(a) unemployed: that is, persons able to accept employment immediately, whose job contract has terminated or has been temporarily suspended, who are without a job and are seeking paid employment; employers and own-account workers who are taking steps to find paid employment in the occupation in which they were formerly engaged; and unpaid family workers who decide to seek paid employment in the occupation in which they formerly worked.

(b) beginners: beginning jobseekers are considered to be all persons who register for the first time with the Manpower Service and have never worked as employees before.

(c) under-employed persons: these are persons with a job who wish to change their job, but whose date of availability for such a new job has not been set.

More specifically, the following are classified as jobseekers in so far as they meet the criteria of the definition: re-entrants to the workforce; persons seeking temporary work (including students seeking employment during vacations) or part-time work (although, in practice, jobseekers do not specify the duration of employment sought). Responsibility for the loss of the last job does not affect classification as an unemployed person.

The following persons are not considered to be jobseekers nor are they taken into account in this series: persons receiving invalidity benefits and retirement or other pensioners; employable disabled persons; persons on temporary or indefinite lay-off; and persons on strike.

Registration: Registration with the Manpower Service is voluntary and is not connected with the receipt of benefits. Upon registration with an employment office, jobseekers are given a registration certificate which entitles them to be offered a job. There are no register maintenance procedures.

Deletion from the register: Jobseekers are only deleted when they have obtained employment as a result of a job offer made available to them through the Manpower Service.

Reference period

The reference period for the count of jobseekers is the last day of the year. The statistics concern the cumulative total of job applications received by the Manpower Service in a calendar year.

Data collection and evaluation

A summary return showing all job applications registered by the different employment offices is drawn up each month by the Manpower Service and transmitted to the Labour Statistics Service (SST). The SST does not carry out any controls to the Manpower registers but reviews all calculations in the monthly summary returns of the employment offices and rectifies them when necessary with the office concerned.

Unemployment rate

Unemployment rates are not calculated from the series on job applications.

Changes in the series

No changes have occurred since 1983.


The data in this series are not published officially. They can be made available by the Labour Statistics Service, Directorate of Labour and Social Security, Ministry for the Civil Service, Employment and Labour in Dakar.