
Title of the series

Statistical Series of Jobseekers.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


General level
By sex and age group
Unemployed by work experience - general level

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics

This series is not published in the Bulletin.

Organisation responsible for the series

The Statistics and Documentation Division of the General Directorate of Labour, Manpower and Social Security.


The series covers the whole country based on reports from the Manpower and Employment Service in Lomé and its five regional offices. It covers all persons 14 to 55 years old (the legal age limits) who are seeking paid employment and who register at the Service. The occupations which are covered correspond to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-1968) and in particular cover Major Groups 3 (Clerical and related workers), 4 (Sales workers), 5 (Service workers) and 7/8/9 (Production and related workers, transport equipment operations and labourers).


The series is annual. In ILO publications it is available since 1980.


Unemployment: Comprises the following persons: (a) those who have never worked and who are seeking paid employment for the first time; (b) those who have lost or left paid employment and who are seeking replacement paid employment; (c) those who have lost or given up their status of self-employed worker who are seeking first-time or new paid employment. Also included are employable disabled persons and persons responsible for the loss of their last job.

Not included are students seeking temporary employment (vacation work) and persons temporarily or indefinitely laid off. Temporary or part-time job seeking does not apply to Togo.

Registration: Registration as a jobseeker is voluntary and is not connected to receipt of benefits nor to past remuneration. No register maintenance procedures are established.

Deletion from the register: Jobseekers are deleted from the register following placement by the Manpower and Employment Service. No other particular criteria determine deletion from the register.

Reference period

The reference period for the count of jobseekers is the end of each quarter. Final statistical processing is done at the end of each year.

Data collection and evaluation

Each quarter the Manpower and Employment Service prepares a statement of the register of jobseekers. No statistical evaluation is performed for the series.

Unemployment rate

Unemployment rates are not calculated from this series.

Changes in the series

No applicable.


Not available. The yearly data are communicated directly to the ILO by the country.