
Title of the series

Persons Seeking Jobs (Lica Koja Traze Zaposlenje).

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


General level
Unemployed by work experience - general level
Unemployed by work experience - by industry (major divisions)
Unemployed by work experience - by occupation (major groups)

Publication of the data in Table 10B ceased in the 1987 edition. These data referred to the number of registered unemployed at December of each year, excluding persons in employment, and excluding persons seeking their first job. They were available up to the year 1979 only.

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics


General level

Organisation responsible for the series

Federal Employment Bureau (Savezni Biro za Poslove Zaposljavanja).


The data from this series cover the whole country based on reports from eight republican/provincial self-managing communities of interest for employment concerning registrations made in 514 communal self-managing communities of interest for employment. The minimum age limit is 15 years while the maximum limit varies from 60 years for women to 65 years for men. The series covers all persons seeking work. Data are available by sex, age, qualification, and groups of occupations according to the first version of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-1958). Data are not disaggregated by social and private sectors.


The series is monthly and has been since it started in 1954.


Unemployment: Job seeking persons are those registered at a competent self-managing community of interest for employment, without a regular job (by regular job is meant permanent employment of a non-finite period), over 15 years of age but not older than 60 years for women and 65 years for men, not a disabled person of the 1st category of disability and not a full-time student.

Also included in this series are: "persons seeking part-time work" which only covers disabled persons of the 2nd category of disability seeking work of four hours a day; first jobseekers; re-entrants to the workforce (who were in employment just previous to the current period of unemployment or who were involved in employment "terminations"); persons on temporary or indefinite lay-off without pay (if these periods of lay-off are of insufficient duration to obtain payment from the Material Insurance of Workers During Temporary Unemployment, which covers all registered applicants for work as well as persons employed for finite periods who remain registered at the employment office as jobseekers); persons whose employment contract was for a fixed period which has ended; and part-time students.

Excluded from the series are: persons seeking temporary work; persons receiving invalidity benefits; retirement or other pensioners; and persons on strike.

Registration: Is the voluntary process whereby persons seeking jobs in the various regions may register at communal, provincial or socialist republic self-managing communities of interest for employment. Registration may be done and maintained by mail, by telephone or in person and required regular attendance varies from 15 days to three months depending on the region. Persons may visit the office to inquire about job possibilities as they desire.

Deletion from the register: Persons may be deleted from their regional register at their own request due to a change of residence. The deletion process is automatically reflected in the unemployment statistics.

Reference period

The end of the month.

Data collection and evaluation

Reports on registrations made in the communal offices are sent to the republican/provincial offices. Administrative controls are generally not made but reporting units are requested to make checks for discrepancies between current month reports and preceding month reports so that the numbers registered at the end of a preceding month plus new registrations, minus numbers deleted for job placements during the current month should equal the net number of registered jobseekers. Checks are also made that component numbers of jobseekers by different characteristics do not exceed total numbers.

No statistical evaluations are performed by the Federal Employment Bureau.

Unemployment rate

Unemployment rates for this series are computed and published monthly with the absolute numbers of registered jobseekers. The average number of persons seeking a job is divided by the average number of the registered labour force, which is the sum of the average numbers of employed persons in the social and private sectors and the average number of persons seeking a job.

Changes in the series

The category "re-entrants to the work force" referring to persons whose employment was terminated is now maintained according to reason for termination. Previously all terminations were registered. Now only those persons who re-register are included in the data which is much lower than the previously recorded total number of terminations.

Data collection dynamics using the census method have improved. Prior to 1985 biannual and annual series as at 30 June and 31 December of each year were collected. Since 1985 the annual figure of registered jobseekers now only relates to December and the biannual series covers only young persons under 27 years of age who are seeking jobs.


Federal Statistical Office: "Monthly Statistical Review" (monthly) (Belgrade, 1988). Each issue contains data from the same month.

idem: "Zaposljavanje - Informacija" (Statistical Information) (monthly) (ibid., 1988). Each issue contains data for the previous month.

idem: "Annual Statistical Review, 1986" (ibid., July 1987). Each issue contains data for the previous year.