American Samoa

Title and source of the series

Title: Not available.

Source: Not available.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


Wages in manufacturing - all industries
Wages in construction
Wages in transport, storage and communication

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics

The series is annual and therefore not published in the Bulletin.

Organisation responsible for the series

Development Planning Office, American Samoa Government.


Geographical: Whole country.

Industrial: Manufacturing; electricity, gas and water; construction; wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels; transport, storage and communication; financing, insurance, real estate and business services; community, social and personal services. The series excludes agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing, mining and quarrying.

Occupational: All occupations for which remuneration is in cash.

Establishment: Data on wages relate to all establishments.

Persons covered: All persons who worked for wages during the reference period.


The series is annual and started in 1974.


Employment: Not applicable.

Hours of work: Not applicable.

Wages: Data on wages refer to hourly minimum wage rates of employees.

Reference period

The data relate to the 15th of October of each year.

Methods of data collection, estimation and adjustment

Not available.

Changes in the series

Not available.


Development Planning Office: "Statistical Digest (1985)" (annual) (American Samoa). The 1985 issue refers to 1984 data.