Austria (1)

Source of the series

Social Security records.

Title of the series

Beschäftigtenstatistik, Einkommensstatistik.

Organization responsible

Data collection, statistical processing and publication/dissemination of the statistics:

Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger (Main Association of the Austrian Social Security Institutes).

Main topics covered

Employment and earnings.

Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics





Reference period


the last day of the month;


monthly average of the whole year.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole country. Each Land (State) has its own Institute.


all branches of economic activities.


all types and sizes in the private and public sectors.


all employees.


data are not collected by occupation or occupational group.

Concepts and definitions


employees, i.e. wage earners and salaried employees.


gross monthly earnings refer to all payments subject to social security contributions.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:


Number of groups used for coding:

not available.

Applied to:

employment and earnings.

Link to ISIC:

Rev.2 and Rev.3.

Other classifications:

by sex, employee category, age group and region.

Data collection

Size and coverage of the administrative system:

all employers and employees are covered.

Data collection method:

data on employees and their earnings subject to social security contributions are reported by employers to the social security institutes on a continuous basis. Employment data are obtained by the actual counting of the number of insured people by the social security institutes. Monthly averages of annual earnings are computed once a year. The records are updated on a continuous basis.

Data processing, editing and consistency checks

The data are processed by computer. In order to check the aggregated results some plausibility checks are carried out. Comparisons with the previous month and year are also made.



Types of estimates

Totals and averages.

Construction of indices


Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the administrative system/sampling frame:

exhaustive; it is compulsory for all employees in Austria to be insured with the Social Security.

Available series

Monthly and annual number of employees by employee category, sex, economic activity and region;

Average monthly earnings (annually) by employee category, sex, economic activity and region.

History of the statistics

Starting date of the statistical series:

January 1948.

Major changes and revisions:


Documentation and dissemination


Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger: Die österreichische Sozialversicherung in Zahlen (Vienna, monthly).



Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

The following statistics are published in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics or available in LABORSTA:

Paid employment by sex, by economic activity and in manufacturing, by industry group and by sex (most recent data: 1995);

Average monthly earnings of employees, by employee category and sex, by economic activity and in manufacturing, by industry group. Monthly series of paid employment (general level) are published in the Bulletin of Labour Statistics.