Austria (2)

Source of the series

Kollektivverträge (Collective agreements including payment schemes for civil servants).

Title of the series


Organization responsible

Data collection and

Statistical processing:

Federation of Austrian Trade Unions.

Publication/dissemination of the statistics:

Trade Unions and Statistics Austria.

Main topics covered

Wage and salary rates, earnings and hours of work.

Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics


Reference period

Wage rates, earnings and hours of work: October.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole country.


all branches of economic activities of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.


all types and sizes in the private and public sectors.


all employees covered by collective agreements.


all occupations covered by collective agreements.

Concepts and definitions


refers to wage earners, salaried employees and civil servants.


refer to the gross remuneration paid to employees.

Wage rates:

refer to hourly, weekly and monthly rates, including basic wages and salaries, as well as guaranteed and regularly paid allowances. They are reported separately for wage earners and salaried employees.

Hours of work:

normal hours of work are those fixed by collective agreements.

Hours actually worked include hours worked during normal periods of work, overtime, hours for which payment is made under a guaranteed work contract, etc. according to the international definition.

Hours paid for include hours actually worked (as above) and hours paid for but not worked, such as paid annual leave, public holidays, sick leave, etc.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:

Classification of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce.

Number of groups used for coding:

corresponds to the number of collective agreements in force.

Applied to:

wage and salary rates, earnings and hours of work.

Link to ISIC:

Rev.2 and Rev.3.


all occupations as defined in the collective agreements.

Status in employment:

employees: wage earners, salaried employees and civil servants.

Other classifications:

employees: by sex; wage and salary rates, earnings and hours of work: by employee category (manual/non manual) over 18 years of age and by sex.

Data collection

Size and coverage of the administrative system:

all collective agreements.

Data collection method:

data gathering from all collective agreements and payment schemes for civil servants.

Updating of the administrative system:

normally, every year, but on a continuous basis if and when new collective agreements come into force.

Data processing, editing and consistency checks

Simple compilation of data.



Types of estimates

Total number of employees and average wage/salary rates, earnings, and hours of work.

Construction of indices

Over 1,500 indices are computed monthly by Statistics Austria from statistics of agreed minimum wage rates based on the collective agreements (Tariflohnindex).

Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the administrative system/sampling frame:

exhaustive: all collective agreements and payment schemes are covered.

Available series

Total number of employees, weekly normal hours of work, hours actually worked and paid for, average hourly, weekly and monthly wage and salary rates, average hourly, weekly, monthly and yearly earnings, by economic activity and occupation.

History of the statistics

Starting date of the statistical series:

the first series started at the end of the 19th century.

Major changes and revisions:

in case of new collective agreements.

Documentation and dissemination


Statistics Austria: Schnellbericht (Vienna).

Idem: Statistische Narchrichten (ibid., monthly); contains the monthly series of Tariflohnindex.

Methodological information on the index is published in Tariflohnindex 1986, Aufbau und Gewichtung, 899. Heft (Vienna, 1988).


on Statistics Austria’s website:

Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

The following statistics are published in Statistics on occupational wages and hours of work and on food prices - October Inquiry results:

Average monthly minimum wage rates and normal hours of work, by occupation and sex;

Average monthly earnings and hours actually worked or paid for, by occupation and sex. In the Yearbook of Labour Statistics: Average monthly wage rates of wage earners in agriculture.