Title: Minimum Wage Categories.
Source: Joint National Commission on Collective Agreements and on Wages (Commission nationale paritaire des conventions collectives et des salaires).
This series is not published in the Bulletin.
Ministry of Labour and Social Security (Ministère du Travail et de la Prévoyance sociale).
Geographical: Whole country.
Industrial: All branches of economic activity.
Occupational groups: All occupations.
Establishments: The series covers establishments of all sizes.
Persons covered: All permanent workers.
The series has been available since 1971 but at irregular intervals.
Employment: Not applicable.
Hours of work: Not applicable.
Wages: The data on wages refer, in general, to monthly minimal wages. In ILO publications, wages data are minimum hourly wage rates for skilled workers.
Not available.
Not available.
Not available.
Not available.