
Source of the series

National Statistical Information System (Sistema de Información Estadística Nacional - SIE-N) and human resources records.

Title of the series

Employment and wages.

Organization responsible

Data collection, statistical processing and publication/dissemination of the statistics:

National Statistical Office (Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas – ONE).

Main topics covered

Employment and wages.

Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics

Monthly and annual.

Reference period

Employment and wages:

every month and the full year.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole country.


all branches of economic activity.


all types and sizes in the private and public sectors.


all persons in employment.


the data are collected by occupational category: manual, technical, administrative, service and managerial workers.

Concepts and definitions


means all persons engaged in the various activities of the national economy, whether or not of working age (17 years and over), in both State entities and the non-State sector. Any person who on the data reference day was in a formal employment relationship as an employee, for payment in cash or in kind, or self-employed, is considered to be employed.

Employees in State entities are workers whose employment relationship, irrespective of the kind of remuneration applied to them, is based on a contract of employment with a state-owned entity with legal personality and subject to the control of State institutions. It includes workers in Cuban commercial companies and political and mass organizations and those working in State entities which may be organized in the form of unions, enterprises, economic associations, State economic organizations, farms, financial institutions, state-financed health, sports and cultural and institutions and scientific centres, etc.

Employees in the non-State sector include those belonging to the cooperative sector, mixed-ownership enterprises and the private sector (branches of foreign firms, associations and foundations). Self-employed persons in the private sector include:

  • own account workers: these persons may or may not own their own tools and equipment, are not subject to a contract of employment with a legal entity, they do not receive wages, they engage in production or provide their services individually or collectively, through appropriate employment as family helper and are responsible for marketing their production or services directly or through another person or entity that represents them legally for that purposes;
  • individual tenants: these are persons who do not have another employment and known as tenant farmers (aparceleros), to whom the State has leased land for the cultivation of certain crops of State interest, including coffee, tobacco;
  • independent farmers: these are small farmers who own the land they cultivate to grow agricultural produce and/or livestock for sale or own consumption;
  • workers in credit and service cooperatives: these include small farmers who form groups to benefit from the technical and financial assistance provided by the State for production by the farmers who belong to them;
  • members of cooperatives (UBPC and CPA);
  • family helpers.

    Self-employed persons are considered to be employed even if they have not worked because of the following situations: those present at work on the data reference day who were unable to undertake work for any reasons; and those not present at work for any reason, provided that the employment relationship is continuing.


    the wage paid is the remuneration in cash received by the worker for the quantity and quality of work performed. It includes, inter alia, payment of basic wages, bonuses, allowances for exceptional working conditions, compliance with labour standards, wage supplements, overtime, additional long-service payments or management responsibilities, paid holidays, absence permitted under current legislation.


    Branch of economic activity (industry):

    Title of the classification:

    not available.

    Number of groups used for coding:

    9 main groups.

    Applied to:

    employment and earnings.

    Link to ISIC and level:

    Rev.2, 1968.


    Title of the classification:

    Standard Classification of Occupations.

    Number of groups used for coding:

    five occupational groups: managers; technical workers; service workers; administrative workers; manual workers.

    Applied to:

    only employment.

    Link to ISCO and level:


    Status in employment:

    see under "Concepts and definitions": Employment.

    Other classifications:

    labour force by sex, form of ownership, province and age group.

    Data collection

    Size and coverage of the administrative system:

    the National Statistical Information System (SIE-N) and human resources records cover the entire labour force.

    Data collection method:

    not available.

    Data processing, editing and consistency checks

    The average total number of workers is calculated by subtracting from the number of workers in the register those who are not directly or indirectly paid wages by the entity because they work in other entities from which they receive wages, even though included in the register concerned, and adding those who, while not included in the entity's register work for it and are paid directly or indirectly by that entity. This average is the result of totalling workers on a daily basis, with the above additions and subtractions, including rest days and holidays, and dividing the result by the number of calendar days in the reporting period.

    The average monthly wage is calculated by dividing the wages paid by the average total number of workers.


    Not available.

    Types of estimates

    Total number of persons employed; total wages paid and average monthly wage.

    Construction of indices


    Indicators of reliability of the estimates

    Coverage of the administrative system:

    it covers the entire labour force.

    Available series

  • Persons employed in the national economy by form of ownership and type of economic activity;
  • Persons employed (employees), (total) wages paid and average monthly wage by state and mixed-ownership entities by type of economic activity and province;
  • Distribution of the labour force by level of education, age group, occupational category and sex.

    History of the statistics

    Not available.

    Documentation and dissemination


    Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas: Anuario Estadístico de Cuba (Havana City, annual); contains methodological notes.

    Idem: Cuba en Cifras (ibid., annual).

    Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

    Statistics of average monthly earnings in state and mixed-ownership entities, by branch of economic activity, are published in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics.