
Source of the series

Administrative Records of membership of the Social Security System.

Title of the series

Workers' membership of the Social Security System (Afiliación de trabajadores al Sistema de la Seguridad Social).

Organization responsible

Data collection, statistical processing, publication/dissemination of the statistics:

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Main topics covered


Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics

Monthly and annual.

Reference period

Each month of the year and the whole calendar year.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole country.


all branches of activity.


all types and sizes.


workers belonging to the various schemes under the social security system actively employed or equivalent, such as temporary incapacity, suspension under employment regulations, partial unemployment, etc. Unemployed workers, those with special agreements, belonging to enterprises involved in restructuring plans and early retirement schemes are excluded.


data are not collected on individual occupations but by contribution group.

Concepts and definitions


refers to persons engaged in work activity and registered in the Administrative Records of membership of the Social Security System.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

all branches of economic activity.

Title of the classification:

National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE-93).

Number of groups used for coding:

30 groups, two-digit codes.

Applied to:


Link to ISIC and level:

Rev.3, at the 2-digit level.


Title of the classification:

contribution groups under the Social Security System.

Number of groups used for coding:

10 occupational categories for workers aged over 18 years.

Applied to:


Link to ISCO and level:


Status in employment:

Title of the classification:

Employment Status.

Number of groups used for coding:

2 groups: employed, self-employed.

Applied to:


Link to ICSE and level:


Other classifications:

by size of enterprise; social security scheme; by sex, age group and nationality; by autonomous community and province; by type of mobility of companies.

Data collection

Size and coverage of the administrative system:

Administrative Records of membership of the Social Security System.

Data collection method:

data are collected at central, regional or local level. Enterprise and employee data are entered in the Records when they commence employment. The information is processed by the Social Security Computer Division and the Sub Directorate for Data Processing, according to instructions given by the Sub-Directorate of Social and Labour Statistics.

Updating of the administrative system:


Data processing, editing and consistency checks

The employer for employees and the worker himself if self-employed are required to provide a membership form to the Social Security, the data of which is checked against the national identity card or passport. The data is supplied to the General Treasury of the Social Security Department, processed electronically with certain compulsory fields.


No information available.

Types of estimates

All workers in the Social Security System, by scheme; absolute and relative variations over the previous year.

Construction of indices


Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the administrative system:

about 99% of the legally employed population.

Conformity with other sources:

comparisons are made with data on employment in the Survey of the Economically Active Population carried out by the National Institute of Statistics.

Available series

Monthly and annual series of:
  • workers in active employment, by insurance scheme;
  • workers in active employment, by sex and age;
  • workers in active employment, by branch of activity;
  • workers in active employment, by sector of activity and employment status;
  • workers in active employment, by autonomous community and province.

    History of the statistics

    Starting date of the statistical series:

    January 1982.

    Major changes and revisions:

    introduction of distribution by sex and age, and contribution group on 01.01.1995 and classification of economic activities CNAE-93 on 01.01.1998.

    Documentation and dissemination


    Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs: Boletín de Estadísticas Laborales (Madrid, quarterly);

    idem: Anuario de Estadísticas Laborales y de Asuntos Sociales (ibid., annual).


    Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

    None at present.