
Source of the series

Annual Statement of Social Data (Déclaration annuelle de Données Sociales-DADS).

Title of the series

Wages in industry, commerce and services.

Organization responsible

Data collection:

National Old-Age Pensions Fund (Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Vieillesse - CNAV) and Directorate-General of Taxes (DGI).

Statistical processing and publication/dissemination of the statistics:

National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE).

Main topics covered

Employment, earnings and hours of work.

Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics


Reference period

The whole year.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole country.


all branches of economic activity apart from the State civil service, farming and forestry, domestic services and extraterritorial activities.


establishments of all types and sizes. The annual statement of social data (DADS) normally relates to the establishment, but it may exceptionally cover several establishments belonging to the same company.


all employees.


data are collected by socio-occupational group. Home workers, apprentices and trainees are identified separately.

Concepts and definitions


employees are classified into four groups:
  • full-time employees, including employees working 80%;
  • intermittent (indefinite-term contracts for permanent jobs which are alternating by their nature), including temps;
  • part-time employees;
  • home workers (these are excluded from the statistical tables).


    annual earnings gross and net after deduction of employees social security contributions (social security and unemployment insurance, pension contributions, general social contribution (CSG) and contribution to reimbursement of the national debt (CRDS)). All taxable components of remuneration are included, in particular: direct wages, paid holidays, bonuses of all kinds and the taxable value of benefits in kind declared by the employer (accommodation, meals, fuel for heating, etc.).

    Hours of work:

    paid hours, including paid holidays and sick leave for one year. The data on hours of work exclude travelling representatives and salesmen, as well as home workers, for whom hours of work are not available. Data are also collected on start and end dates of payment of each employee, from which the length of time present in the establishment can be calculated.


    Branch of economic activity (industry):

    Title of the classification:

    Nomenclature of French Activities (Nomenclature d’Activités Française (NAF). As from January 2003, it will be replaced by NAF, Rev.1, 2003.

    Number of groups used for coding:

    700 groups.

    Applied to:

    all data.

    Link to ISIC and level:



    Title of the classification:

    Nomenclature of Occupations and Socio-Occupational Groups.

    Number of groups used for coding:


    Applied to:

    all data.

    Link to ISCO and level:


    Other classifications:

    sex, age, size of enterprise and establishment (based on number of posts at 31 December), location of enterprise headquarters and establishment, and employee's municipality of residence.

    Data collection

    Size and coverage of the administrative system:

    Exhaustive collection from employers.

    Data collection method:

    the Annual Statement of Social Data (DADS) is a formal declaration which must be completed by every enterprise (natural or legal person) resident or established in France which pay wages or other remuneration, except for the majority of employers of domestic personnel. It is document common to the social and tax administrations in which employers state total wage remuneration for each establishment and each employee. The statements are submitted in magnetic or printed form to the Regional Health Insurance Funds, then amalgamated by the CNAV for employees covered by the general social security system. For employees covered by special social security schemes, the tax declarations (No.2460) are used by the DGI. They are transmitted to INSEE in each February of the year following the reference year and published the following year in March.

    The DADS contains information on the establishment (employer's name or company name, address and branch of activity, identification number, number of personnel at 31 December and gross payroll) and on each employee (identification, nature of employment and qualification, address, start and end dates of payment period, number of paid hours, conditions of work (full-time, part-time, intermittent and home workers), amount of remuneration in cash before and after deductions of social security contributions, estimated value of benefits in kind and amount of expense allowances and reimbursement of expenses.

    Updating of the administrative system:


    Data processing, editing and consistency checks

    The data are processed by computer. Checks are made on identities of establishments and employees (reconciliation of lists of enterprises and individuals) and cross-checks are made between wages, hours of work and conditions of work.



    Types of estimates

    Distributions, averages and median, for various time units (hour, year).

    Employment: total personnel at 31 December of the reference year, and number of paid employees during the reference year; distribution for different variables.

    Average net hourly wage: total net payroll divided by number of hours worked.

    Average net annual wage: for full-time workers, total net "full-time" payroll divided by number of work-years.

    Average annual hours per post: number of paid hours for one year divided by the number of paid posts in the year.

    Construction of indices


    Indicators of reliability of the estimates

    Coverage of the administrative system:

    over 99% of employees.

    Conformity with other sources:

    comparisons are possible at the level of:
  • personnel and payroll, with national accounts;
  • trends in wage rates, with the results of the Ministry of Labour ACEMO survey (quarterly survey of establishments by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security (DARES);
  • personnel, with other administrative sources.

    Available series

    "Employers" tables: number of establishments, personnel as number of paid posts in the year, personnel as number of paid posts at 31 December, gross payroll, by economic activity of the establishment, size, department where located;

    "Full-time posts" tables: hourly wage series: personnel as number of posts, as number of work-years, annual hours, total net wages paid, average annual hours of posts and average net hourly wage of posts, by economic activity and size of establishment, by sex, socio-occupational group, age-group, net hourly wage group, etc.;

    "Full-time posts" tables: annual wage series: personnel as number of posts, as number of work-years, annual hours, total net wages paid, average annual net wage by work-year, number of permanent employees, average net annual wage by work-year of permanent employees, by different variables and by sex;

    "Non full-time posts" tables and "All posts" tables: hourly wage series by the same variables and classifications.

    History of the statistics

    Starting date of the statistical series:

    1967, based on a 1/25 sample; 1993, exhaustive.

    Major changes and revisions:

    up to 1992, farm and forestry workers were not included in the DADS. Since 1997, the exhaustive DADS statements also show wages paid to themselves by directors of public limited companies (SA) and minority directors of private limited companies (SARL), but not majority directors of SARL. It is intended to include farming and forestry in the statistical coverage starting in 2002.

    Documentation and dissemination


    INSEE: INSEE Résultats: Les Salaires dans l’Industrie, le Commerce et les Services en ... (Paris, annual); published about 15 months after the data reference period. Contains statistics and methodological information.


    on the Website:

    Statistics which do not appear in national publications or on the Internet may be obtained on request.

    Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

    None at present.

    Other administrative sources of data:

    statistics on non-wage earnings and income are derived from several administrative sources.

    Data on doctors' liberal profession earnings are drawn from two administrative sources: statistics on the national inter-scheme system prepared by the National Employee Health Insurance Fund (Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie des travailleurs salariés - CNAMTS), the Agricultural Mutual Fund (MSA - Mutualité Sociale Agricole) and the National Health Insurance Fund for the Independent Professions (CANAM - Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie des Professions Indépendantes), for fees and number of practitioners; and tax statistics of the Directorate-General of Taxes (DGI). These statistics are prepared annually and cover doctors in normal practice (excluding locums) who have submitted a "controlled tax declaration", regulated or otherwise, including fulltime hospital doctors. Based on the assessments of income and expenditure respectively, the average annual income per practitioner from liberal professional activities before income tax can be estimated for each year.

    Statistics on income from small entrepreneurs engaged in crafts, commerce and services are prepared on the basis of company activities and tax returns for industrial and commercial profits and non-commercial profits. The records taken from the returns are transmitted to INSEE and, in conjunction with annual company surveys, constitute the unified company statistical system.

    The results are published in:

    INSEE: Synthèses: Les revenus d’activité non salariée en ... (Paris, annual); published about 3 years after the data reference period. Contains statistics and information on methodology.

    Statistics on State employees’ earnings are prepared each year on the basis of a complete set of records: records of civil ministries and public enterprises; additional survey of all State services by questionnaire, records of the Ministry of Defence, records of public establishments, etc. The results are published in:

    INSEE: INSEE Résultats: Le Salaire des Agents de l’Etat en ... (Paris, annual); published about 3 years after the data reference period. Contains statistics and information on methodology.