Isle of Man

Source of the series

Income tax returns.

Title of the series

Isle of Man Employment.

Organization responsible

Data collection:

Isle of Man Treasury, Income Tax Division.

Statistical processing and publication/dissemination of the statistics:

Isle of Man Treasury, Economic Affairs Division.

Main topics covered


Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics

Occasional, as required.

Reference period

A specific date.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole Island.


all branches of economic activities.


all types and sizes.


all employed persons.


data are not collected by occupation or occupational group.

Concepts and definitions


all employed persons (i.e. employees and self-employed persons) with a taxable source of income from paid and self-employment.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:

Isle of Man Trade Classification.

Number of groups used for coding:

31; may be compressed for publication purposes as some groups are very small.

Applied to:

employment data.

Link to ISIC:


Status in employment:

employees and self-employed persons.

Other classifications:

employment by size of establishments.

Data collection

The data source is the 40,000 plus income tax records held centrally for the whole Island by the Income Tax Division of the Isle of Man Treasury. The records are required to be kept up to date under the legislation.

Data processing, editing and consistency checks

The data are processed by computer.

Consistency checks are made through comparisons with past data and data from the Population Census benchmark.

The Economic Affairs Division checks the coding of the industrial classification carried out by the Income Tax Division and makes amendments where required.



Types of estimates

Totals at a reference date.

Construction of indices


Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the administrative system:

it is assumed to cover the total number of persons employed, except the black economy which is considered small because of the relatively small size of the Isle of Man.

Non-sampling errors:

potentially, miscoding of the industrial classification, but checks are carried out (see above).

Conformity with other sources:

as above.

Available series

Total employment at a specific reference date in 1988.

History of the statistics

Starting date of the statistical series:

1988 (published in 1995).

Major changes and revisions:

none, except that new trade classifications have recently been added to cover Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Documentation and dissemination


Isle of Man Treasury, Economic Affairs Division: Isle of Man Labour Statistics, 1995.

The data are produced on request by the Economic Affairs Division to the Income Tax Division. This is an ad-hoc data source, mainly used internally by Government, but available on request to the public.

A methodological note is appended to all tables released.

Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

None at present.