Part Two: Employment, Hours of Work and Wages

Title and source of the series

This heading refers to the title of the statistical series, given in the original language or in translation, and to the administrative source of the series. The source generally represents the reporting system of a national social security or insurance body or, more particularly, of wage-setting commissions or collective agreements.

List of tables published by the ILO

Under this heading is a list of the tables in the Year Book and Bulletin of Labour Statistics which contain the statistical series for the country under consideration. The list of tables is organised by subject. The tables are identified by chapter, number and title and refer to the 1986 edition of the Year Book or the 1987 quarterly issues of the Bulletin. Occasional reference is made to the 1987 or available 1988 editions of these publications, respectively.

Organisation responsible for the series

This heading refers to the organisation responsible for data collection, statistical processing and publication of the data. Where these functions are undertaken by separate agencies, they have been specified.



This indicates whether the series covers the whole country and, in cases where the coverage is limited, the relevant geographical areas or regions (e.g. the capital, all urban areas, certain states) included or excluded, are specified.


This indicates the economic activities covered by the series, in relation to the United Nations International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC-1968) major divisions, or in relation to a national industrial classification, whose correspondence to ISIC-1968 is given where possible. It also specifies the sectors of the economy to which the series relates (e.g. private, public, formal).


This indicates the occupational group(s) covered by the series and may refer to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-1968), to a national classification, or to a specific group of workers (e.g. certain insurance contributors, farm labourers) defined within the national context and subject to social insurance coverage, collective agreements, etc.


This indicates the type and size of establishments covered which furnish the data for the series, as well as their affiliation or relationship with the national insurance or social security system, where relevant.

Persons covered:

This indicates the categories of workers covered by the series, such as employees under the national social insurance system (e.g. adult full-time, permanent, temporary, skilled), or casual or part-time labourers in agriculture. The population coverage is also described in terms of other relevant criteria such as sex, age, level of qualification or sector of the economy (e.g. public servants only).


This heading refers to the frequency of availability of the data, the starting date of the series and any changes in frequency which may have taken place.


Under this heading, the national definitions used in compiling the series are given for each concept - employment, hours of work, wages. In general, the national definition is followed by the specific categories of workers who are included and excluded from the concept as appropriate.

In certain cases where the statistical series published in the Year Book or Bulletin are restricted to one subject, for example wages, but the source also provides series of data on another subject, e.g. hours of work, a brief description of the missing concept is included.

Reference period

This heading gives the time unit (e.g. day(s), month, quarter) to which the data refer.

Methods of data collection, estimation and adjustment

Under this heading, the procedure, organisation and schedule for data collection from social security records, collective agreement registers and related administrative sources are described. The descriptions include information on sampling methods, use of questionnaires, etc. In a number of cases where the statistical series are obtained from a combination of sources, but are based primarily on sources of an administrative nature, this information has also been included here.

In addition, information is given on the estimation procedures used to derive the number of employed social insurance contributors, hours of work or wages, and in particular, wage rates or award rates and the adjustment methods used to calibrate the data against benchmark census data or to correct for the effects of multiple job holding.

Changes in the series

This heading provides information on the dates and nature of major changes or revisions in the definitions, coverage, collection methods and other procedures relating to the series.


This heading provides the source and title of major national publications in which the statistical series appear. It also indicates the dates of the latest issues available when preparing this publication and of the data contained therein, as well as the lapse of time between compilation and publication of the data. Where possible, references to national publications providing methodological details are also included.

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