
Title and source of the series

Title: Agricultural Wages.

Source: Statistics of prices and wages in rural areas.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


Wages in agriculture

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics

This series is not published in the Bulletin.

Organisation responsible for the series

Statistics and Information Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.


Geographical: Rural areas only.

Industrial: The series covers agriculture and livestock production only.

Occupational: Agricultural workers.

Establishment: Farm households which employed temporary farm workers.

Persons covered: Temporary farm workers. Data are classified by sex, hours of work, wages and type of work.


The series is monthly and started in 1951.


Employment: Data on employment refer to persons who are engaged in temporary agricultural employment, i.e. who work for less than one month. Data on employment are not collected by the ILO.

Hours of work: Data on hours of work refer to the number of hours (generally eight hours per day) paid to adult men and women. Data on hours of work are not collected by the ILO.

Wages: Data on wages refer to daily wages in cash, paid to casual day workers. In ILO publications, data refer to adult men and women separately.

Reference period

The data relate to the 15th of each month.

Methods of data collection, estimation and adjustment

Data are collected through personal and telephone interviews. The series is based on a sample of 274 towns and villages. Annual averages refer to the period beginning in April and ending in March of the following year.

Changes in the series

Prior to 1975, the series excluded Okinawa Prefecture.


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries: "Index number of prices and wages in rural areas" (monthly and annual) (Tokyo, 1986). The November 1986 issue of the monthly publication refers to the preceding month; the February 1986 issue of the annual one refers to 1984.

For methodological information, see:

idem: "Instructions for statistics and survey of prices and wages in rural areas" (Tokyo, 1987).