Korea, Republic of

Title and source of the series

Title: Farm Wages.

Source: Agricultural cooperatives.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


Wages in agriculture

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics

This series is not published in the Bulletin.

Organisation responsible for the series

National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF).


Geographical: Rural villages throughout the whole country.

Industrial: Agriculture only.

Occupational: Rural farmers.

Establishment: Agricultural establishments of all sizes.

Persons covered: Adult agricultural workers, separately by sex.


The series is monthly and started in January 1959.


Employment: Data on employment refer to the number of persons engaged. They include working proprietors and directors, unpaid family workers, wage earners and salaried employees but exclude homeworkers. Data on employment are not collected by the ILO.

Hours of work: Agricultural workers of the relevant villages usually work about eight to nine hours per day. Data on hours of work, however, are not collected by the ILO.

Wages: Data on wages refer to average daily wage rates which include payment in cash and in kind, such as the value of meals, drinks or cigarettes.

Reference period

Wages data are obtained twice a month on the periodic market days preceding and following the 15th day of each month.

Methods of data collection, estimation and adjustment

Data are collected in 85 specified representative rural villages by personal or telephone interviews.

Average daily wage rates are simple arithmetic means. The values of payments in kind are calculated on the basis of current market prices.

Changes in the series

No changes since 1959.


National Agricultural Cooperative Federation: "Monthly Review" (Seoul, 1986). The July 1986 issue refers to May 1986 data.

Methodological information was released in:

idem: "Statistics on prices and rural areas, 1982, NACF" (Seoul, 1982).